§ 303.5 - FOIA Library.  

Latest version.
  • § 303.5 Public reading room.

    FOIA Library.

    (a) The Peace Corps maintains a public reading room at its headquarters at 1111 20th Street NW., Washington DC 20526. This room is supervised and is open to the public during Peace Corps' regular business hours for inspecting and copying records described in paragraph (b) of this section.is no longer physically available. The Peace Corps makes information available to the public electronically through the Peace Corps' FOIA Library on its public website at https://www.peacecorps.gov/about/open-government/.

    (b) Subject to the limitation stated in paragraph (c) of this section, the Peace Corps makes the following records will be made available in the public reading roomFOIA Library:

    (1) All final public opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, and orders issued in the adjudication of cases that involve the Peace Corps;

    (2) Statements of policy and interpretations adopted by the Peace Corps that are not published in the Federal Register;

    (3) Administrative staff manuals and instructions to the staff that affect the public;

    (4) Copies of frequently requested records, regardless of form or format, released with a general index of such records:

    (i) Released to any person in response to a public request for records which the Peace Corps determines are likely to become subject to subsequent requests for substantially the same records

    , and a general index of such records


    (ii) For which there have been 3 or more requests;

    (5) The index required by § 303.76; and

    (6) Other records the Peace Corps has determined are of general interest to members of the public in understanding activities of the Peace Corps or in dealing with the Peace Corps in connection with those activities.

    (c) Certain records otherwise Records required by the FOIA to be available in the public reading room FOIA Library may be exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to § section 552(b) of the FOIA. Such record records will not be made available in the public reading roomFOIA Library. Other records maintained in the public reading room FOIA Library may be edited by the deletion of identifying details concerning individuals to prevent a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. In such cases, the record shall have attached to it an explanation of the deletionredaction of information protected under section 552(b) of the FOIA. The extent of the deletion redaction shall be indicated, unless doing so would harm an interest protected by the exemption under which the deletion redaction is made. It If technically feasible, the extent of the deletion redaction shall be indicated at the place in the record where the deletion redaction was made.

    (d) Electronic reading room. Records required by the FOIA to be maintained and shall be made available in the public reading room created by the Peace Corps on or after November 1, 1996, are made available electronically Peace Corps' electronic FOIA Library.

    (e) Most public electronic records will also be made available to the public on the Peace Corps

    Web site

    website at


    [68 89 FR 66008, Nov. 25, 2003, as amended at 79 FR 19818, 25523, Apr. 1011, 20142024]