§ 140.715 - Use of cost accumulation centers and cost distribution methods.

Latest version.
  • (a) Cost accumulation centers, i.e., cost centers, cost pools, or other acceptable cost accumulation methods, may be used to capture related types of costs for later distribution to all projects or other benefitting activities for which work was performed during the accounting period. The accounting and cost distribution procedures must be in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section for types of costs incurred under the following general criteria:

    (1) Salaries, wages and related payroll benefit costs may be incurred during a payroll accounting period which affects a number of projects and, therefore, may not be easily adaptable to charging directly to individual projects due to such factors as (i) incompatibility of time increments for individual projects, (ii) an inordinate amount of time or additional number of documents to provide separate project coding, or (iii) a documented reduction of overhead costs in the elimination of processing source and coding required, increased electronic data processing applications, and additional accounting requirements.

    (2) Small items of costs may be incurred which affect several projects and would result in a disproportionate amount of time and number of documents for separate project accounting in relation to the amount of costs involved.

    (3) Items of costs may otherwise be eligible for reimbursement but, due to their nature and the small amounts involved, they are not being claimed for reimbursement, since the additional overhead costs required for separate project coding and effective internal controls are not cost beneficial in relation to separate project reimbursable amounts.

    (4) The items of costs must be directly attributable to and properly allocable to the projects to which they are distributed. They must not lose their identity, i.e., type, amount, purpose for which incurred, whether federally participating, input source, etc.

    (b) The use of separate cost accumulation centers for comparably related types of costs is a prerequisite to the use of percentages, or other acceptable distribution methods, for cost distribution to benefitting projects or other activities. The accounting procedures and methods of distribution used must have prior concurrence of the Federal Highway Administration, be representative of average actual costs, and must assure that (1) costs are uniformly and equitably distributed to all projects and activities for which work was performed during the accounting period irrespective of source of funds, (2) provisions are established for an adequate segregation of costs and separate distribution methods for similarly related types of costs, (3) actual costs and liabilities are fully accounted for and controlled, and (4) that reviews are made periodically, and the rates or other distribution methods are adjusted at least once annually by any over or under-distributed accumulated costs from the cost accumulation center for the preceding accounting period.

    (c) Percentages representative of average actual costs may be used to distribute leave, social security, and other payroll benefits. Such rates are based on prior cost experience adjusted by anticipated known factors which will affect overall costs during the current year, i.e., scheduled salary increases, changes anticipated in insurance premiums, etc.