§ 476.2 - Definitions.

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as otherwise provided, terms defined in 23 U.S.C. 101(a) are used in this part as so defined.

    (b) The following terms, where used in the regulations in this part, have the following meaning:

    (1) Base cost year for the latest Interstate System cost estimate approved by Congress shall be the calendar year specified in the Interstate Cost Estimate Manual 1 for that estimate. For example, the base cost year for the 1972 estimate is 1970.

    (2) Concurrence means written agreement which is currently binding on the concurring party and which addresses the specific proposal being submitted for approval.

    (3) Governor means the Governor of any one of the fifty States and the Mayor of the District of Columbia. It also refers to any State or local entity specifically designated by the Governor for the purpose of executing any of his/her responsibilities under this part.

    (4) Interstate segment means any designated, toll-free route, or portion thereof, of the Interstate System.

    (5) Local governments concerned means local units of general purpose government under State law within whose jurisdiction the Interstate segment lies, or is to be withdrawn.

    (6) Open to traffic means a segment which has been constructed or has had major improvements with Federal-aid Interstate funds and open to normal Interstate traffic; or a segment which was an existing freeway, meeting acceptable Interstate geometric standards and recognized as the final location of the route, when incorporated into the System. Open to traffic does not mean a segment of existing highway that is ultimately planned to be replaced by an entirely new facility.

    (7) Responsible local officials means:

    (i) In urbanized areas, principal elected officials of general purpose local governments acting through the Metropolitan Planning Organization in accordance with part 450, subpart A of this title, and;

    (ii) In rural areas and urban areas not within any urbanized area, principal elected officials of general purpose local governments.

    (8) Substitute highway project means any undertaking for highway construction, which may encompass phases of work including preliminary engineering, right-of-way, and actual construction, individually or any combination thereof, on any of the Federal-aid systems described in 23 U.S.C. 103 and which is eligible for Federal financial assistance under title 23, U.S.C. A substitute highway project may include the construction of exclusive or preferential bus lanes, high occupancy vehicle lanes, highway traffic control devices, bus passenger loading areas and facilities (including shelters), and fringe and corridor parking facilities to serve bus and other public mass transportation passengers. A substitute highway project may also be a carpool and vanpool project including but not limited to, providing carpooling opportunities to the elderly and handicapped, systems for locating potential riders and informing them of convenient carpool opportunities, acquiring vehicles appropriate for carpool use, designating existing highway lanes as preferential carpool highway lanes, providing related traffic control devices, and designating existing facilities for use as preferential parking for carpools.

    (9) Substitute nonhighway public mass transit project means any undertaking to develop or improve public mass transit facilities or equipment. A project in an urbanized area must be included in and related to the transportation improvement program (TIP) required under 23 CFR part 450, subpart B. The TIP in urbanized areas and all projects in nonurbanized areas must include either the construction of fixed rail facilities, or the purchase of passenger equipment, or both. Passenger equipment includes buses, fixed rail rolling stock, and other transportation equipment for passenger use.

    (10) Under construction or under contract for construction means funds for physical construction have been obligated (for highway projects) or have been included in an approved grant (for transit projects) which would commit the final development of the ultimate project in both length and scope. When projects do not involve physical construction, under construction or under contract for construction means the obligation of funds (for highway projects) or grant approval (for transit projects) has occurred.