§ 476.306 - Withdrawal approval.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Federal Highway Administrator and the Urban Mass Transportation Administrator may approve the withdrawal of an Interstate segment under the provisions of this subpart after considering the impact of the withdrawal on national defense needs if:

    (1) The requirements of § 476.304 are met; and

    (2) The Federal Highway Administrator determines that the segment is not essential to completion of a unified and connected Interstate System.

    (b) When the withdrawal of an Interstate segment is approved under paragraph (a) of this section, an amount equal to the Federal share of the cost to complete the withdrawn segment as shown in the latest Interstate System cost estimate approved by Congress is authorized for substitute projects. The amount authorized will be increased or decreased, as determined by the Federal Highway Administrator, based on changes in construction costs of the withdrawn route occurring between the base cost year of the latest cost estimate approved by Congress which included the costs of the withdrawn route and the date of approval of each substitute project. The changes in construction costs will be computed on the basis of the Composite Index shown in the quarterly publication “Price Trends for Federal- Aid Highway Construction.” 1For purposes of cost adjustments, the Composite Index for the calendar quarter within which the approval of the substitute project occurs will be used in computing the change in construction costs.

    (c) Authorizations of funds made available by the withdrawal of an Interstate route under 23 U.S.C. 103(e)(4) shall remain available until expended within the limitations described in § 476.310 (f) and (g).

    (d) Effective as of date of approval of the withdrawal of an Interstate segment, the unobligated apportionments for the Interstate System of the State receiving the approval will be reduced in the proportion that the Federal share of the cost of the withdrawn segment bears to the Federal share of the total cost of all Interstate routes in the State as reported in the latest Interstate System cost estimate approved by Congress.

    (e) Mileage withdrawn under the provisions of this subpart may not be redesignated in any State under any provision of title 23 U.S.C.

    (f) The payback of Federal-aid Interstate funds expended on a segment withdrawn under this subpart shall be governed by 23 CFR part 480, Use and Disposition of Property Acquired by States for Modified or Terminated Highway Projects.

    (g) Segments withdrawn under the provisions of this subpart may not be redesignated under the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 139.