§ 476.308 - Concept approval for substitute projects.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A concept program which identifies the proposed substitute projects to be approved in concept and which, as a minimum, accounts for all unobligated funding made available by this subpart must be submitted as soon as practicable after the effective date of this subpart or after a withdrawal is formally approved.

    (1) The substitute project concepts included in the program must be selected in a manner consistent with the procedures provided in § 476.310(b) and (c).

    (2) The concept program submission must contain:

    (i) A proposed split, if any, of Interstate withdrawal authorizations between transit and highway projects;

    (ii) A concept description (e.g., type of work, termini, length, estimated cost, number and type of vehicles, size and type of facility, identification of major transportation investment, etc.) of the proposed transit and/or highway projects for which concept approval is requested; and

    (iii) A summary of the anticipated level of overall funding needs by individual fiscal year, as estimated on a general transit and/or highway basis.

    (3) The concept program shall be endorsed by the Governor and the responsible local officials.

    (4) The concept program should be submitted by the Governor to the Federal Highway Administrator and the Urban Mass Transportation Administrator, through the Federal Highway Administrator.

    (b) Approval of substitute project concepts must be given jointly by the Federal Highway Administrator and the Urban Mass Transportation Administrator by September 30, 1983. This time limitation does not apply to segments which were under court injunction prohibiting construction as of November 6, 1978.

    (1) Adjustments and refinements to the previously approved project concepts may be permitted after September 30, 1983.

    (2) Approval of the project concepts does not commit funding under this subpart nor does such approval constitute an obligation on the State or local governments to fully implement the project concepts. Approval of a project concept is processed as a categorical exclusion under 23 CFR part 771.