§ 476.314 - Administrator's review and approval of substitute projects.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Urban Mass Transportation Administrator shall review substitute nonhighway public mass transit projects and the Federal Highway Administrator shall review substitute highway projects to determine that the projects meet the following requirements.

    (1) The proposed projects serve the urbanized area or connecting nonurbanized area corridor or both from which the Interstate segment was withdrawn.

    (2) The Federal share of the costs of the proposed projects which is to be provided under this subpart by virtue of the withdrawal of an Interstate segment does not exceed the Federal share of the cost of the withdrawn segment, as determined in § 476.306(b).

    (b) Approval of substitute projects can be given only to the extent that authority to obligate the funds is available.

    (c) For substitute nonhighway public mass transit projects, the approval of the plans, specifications, and estimates of a project, or any phase thereof, shall be deemed to occur on the date the Urban Mass Transportation Administrator approved the substitute project or phase thereof in accordance with the policies and procedures established for the UMTA section 3 capital grant program.

    (d) Substitute highway projects will be approved by the Federal Highway Administrator in accordance with policies and procedures established for the Federal-aid highway program.

    (e) Approval of a substitute project or phase thereof obligates the United States to pay its proportional share of the cost of the project or phase thereof out of the general funds in the Treasury.

    (f) The Federal share for substitute projects approved after November 6, 1978, shall not exceed 85 percentum, notwithstanding the Federal share for nonhighway public mass transit projects established under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, and highway projects under title 23 U.S.C.

    (g) The labor protective provisions of section 3(e)(4) of the UMT Act of 1964, as amended, (49 U.S.C. section 1602(e)(4)) are applicable to nonhighway public mass transit projects funded under the provisions of this subpart.