§ 480.103 - Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This part applies to property acquired with the participation of Federal-aid highway funds for any project on a Federal-aid Interstate segment which is subsequently withdrawn and where the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has not previously determined if a credit to Federal funds would be required for such property prior to the effective date of this part. This part applies to both individual submissions for specific pieces of property and comprehensive reuse plans for all property, depending on the extent of the State's submission.

    (b) The provisions of § 480.107 concerning payback waiver and § 480.109(b)(3) concerning payback reduction apply only to property which has been or will be applied to a reuse under this part, as determined by the FHWA, within 10 years of the withdrawal of the Interstate segment in connection with which it was acquired. Lacking a submission by a State indicating the intent to sell property in accordance with the provisions of § 480.109(b)(2) or a submission by the State for waiver of paycheck within 10 years of withdrawal and actual reuse within 10 years of withdrawal, the FHWA will require that the pro rata share of the current fair market value of the property be credited to Federal funds in accordance with § 480.109(b)(1).

    (c) Nothing in this part shall be considered to affect or conflict with the obligations of States with respect to the right-of-way (ROW) revolving fund pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 108(c).