§ 630.303 - Preparation of agreement.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The State highway agency (SHA) shall prepare a project agreement for each Federal-aid highway and FHWA planning and research project eligible for Federal-aid funding.

    (b) The SHA may develop the project agreement in a format acceptable to both the SHA and the FHWA provided the following are included:

    (1) A description of the project location including State and project termini;

    (2) The Federal-aid project number;

    (3) The phases of work covered by the agreement along with the effective date of authorization for each phase;

    (4) The total project cost and amount of Federal funds under agreement;

    (5) A statement that the State accepts and will comply with the agreement provisions set forth in 23 CFR 630.307;

    (6) A statement that the State stipulates that its signature on the project agreement constitutes the making of the certifications set forth in 23 CFR 630.307; and

    (7) Signatures of officials from both the State and the FHWA and date executed.

    (c) The project agreement may be combined with the project authorization required under 23 CFR part 630, subpart A.

    (d) The SHA may use an electronic version of the agreement as provided by the FHWA.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2125-0529)