§ 655.409 - Traffic engineering analysis.  

Latest version.
  • Traffic surveillance and control system projects shall be based on a traffic engineering analysis. The analysis should be on a scale commensurate with the project scope. The basic elements of the analysis are:

    (a) Preliminary analysis. The Preliminary Traffic Engineering Analysis should determine: The area to be controlled; transportation characteristics; objectives of the system; existing systems resources (including communications); existing personnel and budget resources for the maintenance and operation of the system.

    (b) Alternative systems analysis. Alternative systems should be analyzed as applicable. For the alternatives considered, the analysis should encompass incremental initial costs; required maintenance and operating budget and personnel resources; and expected benefits. Improved use of existing resources, as applicable, should be considered also.

    (c) Procurement and system start-up analysis. Procurement and system start-up methods should be considered in the analysis. Federal-aid laws, regulations, policies, and procedures provide considerable flexibility to accommodate the special needs of systems procurement.

    (d) Special features analysis. Unique or special features including special components and functions (such as emergency vehicle priority control, redundant hardware, closed circuit television, etc.) should be specifically evaulated in relation to the objectives of the system and incremental initial costs, operating costs, and resource requirements.

    (e) Analysis of laws and ordinances. Existing traffic laws, ordinances, and regulations relevant to the effective operation of the proposed system shall be reviewed to ensure compatibility.

    (f) Implementation plan. The final element in the traffic engineering analysis shall be an implementation plan. It shall include needed legislation, systems design, procurement methods, construction management procedures including acceptance testing, system start-up plan, operation and maintenance plan. It shall include necessary institutional arrangements and the dedication of needed personnel and budget resources required for the proposed system.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2125-0512)