§ 713.307 - Credit to Federal funds.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When right-of-way is disposed of to another governmental agency for public use, FHWA does not require a charge to the agency and no credit to Federal funds is required. If, for any reason, there is a payment to the State for the land transferred and Federal funds participated in the cost of acquisition of the right-of-way, the amount received shall be credited to Federal funds at the same pro rata share as Federal funds participated in the cost of acquisition of the right-of-way.

    (b) If the disposal is to a part other than a Federal, State, or local governmental agency for public use, and Federal funds participated in the cost of acquisition of the right-of-way, there shall be a credit to Federal funds at the same pro rata share as Federal funds participated in the cost of acquisition of the right-of-way. The amount credited shall be the result of disposal by one of the following means:

    (1) Public sale; or

    (2) Negotiations based on current appraised fair market value.

    (c) When a credit to Federal funds is required, the cost of disposition may be deducted from the sales price.