§ 11.1 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • § 11.1 Policy.

    (a) Non-binding effect of guidance documents. The Department of Housing and Urban Development issues guidance documents that help explain its programs and policies or communicate other important information to members of the public. These statements of general applicability include interpreting existing law and regulation, clarifying existing program obligations, or otherwise providing information that assists members of the public subject to HUD's statutes and regulations comply with statutory and regulatory reporting requirements. The Department's policy is that guidance documents issued by HUD shall be treated as non-binding and will not impose on members of the public new requirements that have the force and effect of law, except as authorized by statue or regulation or incorporated into a contract. Consistent with this policy, each of the Department's guidance documents will clearly state that it does not have the force and effect of law, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract.

    (b) Public participation in development of significant guidance. The Department recognizes the benefit of providing members of the public the opportunity to participate in the development of significant guidance documents, as defined in § 11.2(d). Public participation can provide the Department more comprehensive data, facts, and information on which to base its decisions. It is, therefore, the policy of the Department that its significant guidance documents will afford the public not less than thirty days for the submission of comments, except when the Department finds for good cause that notice and public comment are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest (and incorporates such finding and a brief statement of the reasons into the guidance document). The Department may employ various methods of providing public participation, including publishing a request for information or notice in the Federal Register inviting public comments or publishing a request on its website.

    (c) Single searchable website; procedure to request withdrawal. The Department is committed to facilitating access to guidance documents by regulated entities and the public. It is, therefore, the policy of the Department to make available a comprehensive set of guidance documents on a single, searchable, indexed website that contains or links to all guidance documents currently in effect. Guidance documents not posted on the Department's guidance website shall no longer have effect and shall not be cited except to establish historical fact. In addition, the Department establishes a procedure, as provided in § 11.6, for the public to request the withdrawal or modification of a particular guidance document.