Subpart C - Procedures for the Collection of Claims by the Government

§ 17.100 - Scope.
§ 17.102 - Notice requirements before offset.
§ 17.104 - Review within the Department of a determination of indebtedness.
§ 17.106 - Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to administrative offset.
§ 17.108 - Types of review.
§ 17.110 - Determination of indebtedness and appeal from determination.
§ 17.112 - Procedures for administrative offset: multiple debts.
§ 17.114 - Procedures for administrative offset: time limitation.
§ 17.115 - Procedures for administrative offset: offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
§ 17.116 - Procedures for administrative offset: offset of debtor's judgment against the United States.
§ 17.117 - Procedures for administrative offset: imposition of interest.
§ 17.118 - Miscellaneous provisions: correspondence with the Department.
§ 17.125 - Scope.
§ 17.126 - Coordinating offset with another Federal agency.
§ 17.127 - Determination of indebtedness.
§ 17.128 - Notice requirements before offset.
§ 17.129 - Request for a hearing.
§ 17.130 - Result if employee fails to meet deadlines.
§ 17.131 - Written decision following a hearing.
§ 17.132 - Review of departmental records related to the debt.
§ 17.133 - Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset.
§ 17.134 - Procedures for salary offset: when deductions may begin.
§ 17.135 - Procedures for salary offset: types of collection.
§ 17.136 - Procedures for salary offset: methods of collection.
§ 17.137 - Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest.
§ 17.138 - Non-waiver of rights.
§ 17.139 - Refunds.
§ 17.140 - Miscellaneous provisions: correspondence with the Department.
§ 17.150 - Scope.
§ 17.151 - Notice requirements before offset.
§ 17.152 - Review within the Department of a determination that an amount is past-due and legally enforceable.
§ 17.153 - Determination of the Administrative Judge.
§ 17.154 - Postponements, withdrawals and extensions of time.
§ 17.155 - Review of departmental records related to the debt.
§ 17.156 - Stay of offset.
§ 17.157 - Application of offset funds: Single debt.
§ 17.158 - Application of offset funds: Multiple debts.
§ 17.159 - Application of offset funds: Federal payment is insufficient to cover amount of debt.
§ 17.160 - Time limitation for notifying the Department of the Treasury to request offset of Federal payments due.
§ 17.161 - Correspondence with the Department.
§ 17.170 - Administrative wage garnishment.
General Provisions
§ 17.61 - Purpose and scope.
§ 17.63 - Definitions.
Salary Offset
§ 17.83 - Scope and definitions.
§ 17.85 - Coordinating offset with another Federal agency.
§ 17.87 - Determination of indebtedness.
§ 17.89 - Notice requirements before offset.
§ 17.91 - Request for a hearing.
§ 17.93 - Result if employee fails to meet deadlines.
§ 17.95 - Written decision following a hearing.
§ 17.97 - Review of departmental records related to the debt.
§ 17.99 - Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset.
§ 17.101 - Procedures for salary offset: when deductions may begin.
§ 17.103 - Procedures for salary offset: types of collection.
§ 17.105 - Procedures for salary offset: methods of collection.
§ 17.107 - Procedures for salary offset: imposition of interest.
§ 17.109 - Nonwaiver of rights.
§ 17.111 - Refunds.
§ 17.113 - Miscellaneous provisions: correspondence with the Department.
Administrative Wage Garnishment
§ 17.81 - Administrative wage garnishment.
Administrative Offset and Other Actions
§ 17.65 - Demand and notice of intent to offset.
§ 17.67 - Review of departmental records related to the debt.
§ 17.69 - Review within HUD of a determination that an amount is past due and legally enforceable.
§ 17.71 - Request for hearing.
§ 17.73 - Determination of the HUD Office of Hearings and Appeals.
§ 17.75 - Postponements, withdrawals, and extensions of time.
§ 17.77 - Stay of referral for offset.
§ 17.79 - Administrative actions for nonpayment of debt.