Subpart A - General Requirements  

§ 1710.1 - Definitions.
§ 1710.3 - General applicability.
§ 1710.4 - Exemptions—general.
§ 1710.5 - Statutory exemptions from the provisions of this chapter.
§ 1710.6 - One hundred lot exemption.
§ 1710.7 - Twelve lot exemption.
§ 1710.8 - Scattered site subdivisions.
§ 1710.9 - Twenty acre lots.
§ 1710.10 - Single-family residence exemption.
§ 1710.11 - Manufactured home exemption.
§ 1710.12 - Intrastate exemption.
§ 1710.13 - Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) exemption.
§ 1710.14 - Regulatory exemptions.
§ 1710.15 - Regulatory exemption—multiple site subdivision—determination required.
§ 1710.16 - Regulatory exemption—determination required.
§ 1710.17 - Advisory opinion.
§ 1710.18 - No action letter.
§ 1710.20 - Requirements for registering a subdivision—Statement of Record—filing and form.
§ 1710.21 - Effective dates.
§ 1710.22 - Statement of record—initial or consolidated.
§ 1710.23 - Amendment—filing and form.
§ 1710.29 - Use of property report—misstatements, omissions or representation of HUD approval prohibited.
§ 1710.35 - Payment of fees.
§ 1710.45 - Suspensions.