§ 206.41 - Counseling.  

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  • § 206.41 Counseling.

    (a) List provided. At the time of the initial contact with the prospective mortgagorborrower, the mortgagee shall give the mortgagor borrower a list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of housing HECM counselors and their employing agencies, which have been approved by the SecretaryCommissioner, in accordance with subpart E of this part, as qualified and able to provide the information described in paragraph (b) of this section. The mortgagor borrower, any Eligible or Ineligible Non-Borrowing Spouse, and any non-borrowing owner must receive counseling.

    (b) Information to be provided.

    (1) A HECM counselor must discuss with the





    i) The information required by section 255(f) of the

    National Housing Act




    ii) Whether the


    borrower has signed a contract or agreement with an estate planning service firm that requires, or purports to require, the


    borrower to pay a fee on or after closing that may exceed amounts permitted by the


    Commissioner or this part;




    iii) If such a contract has been signed under

    § 206.412)

    1)(ii) of this section, the extent to which services under the contract may not be needed or may be available at nominal or no cost from other sources, including the mortgagee; and

    (iv) Any other requirements determined by the Commissioner.

    (2) If the HECM borrower has an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse, in addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a HECM counselor shall discuss with the borrower and Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse:

    (i) The requirement that the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse must obtain ownership of the property or other legal right to remain in the property for life, upon the death of the last surviving borrower;

    (ii) A failure to obtain ownership or other legal right to remain in the property for life will result in the HECM becoming due and payable and the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse will not receive the benefit of the Deferral Period;

    (iii) The requirement that the property must be the principal residence of the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse prior to and after the death of the borrowing spouse;

    (iv) The requirement that the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse fulfills all obligations of the mortgage, including the payment of property charges and upkeep of the property; and

    (v) Any other requirements determined by the Commissioner.

    (3) If the HECM borrower has an Ineligible Non-Borrowing Spouse, in addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a HECM counselor shall discuss with the borrower and Ineligible Non-Borrowing Spouse:

    (i) The Deferral Period will not be applicable;

    (ii) The HECM will become due and payable upon the death of the last surviving borrower; and

    (iii) Any other requirements determined by the Commissioner.

    (c) Certificate. The HECM counselor will provide the mortgagor borrower with a certificate stating that the mortgagor borrower, Non-Borrowing Spouse, and non-borrowing owner, as applicable, has received counseling. The mortgagor borrower shall provide the mortgagee with a physical copy of the certificate.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2528-0133)

    [54 FR 24833, June 9, 1989, as amended at 61 FR 49033, Sept. 17, 1996; 64 FR 2988, Jan. 19, 1999; 74 FR 45316, Sept. 2, 2009]