Subpart C - Eligibility Requirements - Supplemental Loans To Finance Purchase and Installation of Fire Safety Equipment  

§ 232.500 - Definitions.
Form of Contract
§ 232.605 - Contract requirements.
Special Requirements
§ 232.620 - Determination of compliance with fire safety equipment requirements.
§ 232.625 - Discrimination prohibited.
§ 232.630 - Assurance of completion.
Eligible Security Instruments
§ 232.525 - Note and security form.
§ 232.530 - Disbursement of proceeds.
§ 232.535 - Loan multiples - minimum principal.
§ 232.540 - Method of loan payment and amortization period.
§ 232.545 - Covenant against liens.
§ 232.550 - Accumulation of next premium.
§ 232.555 - Security instrument and lien.
§ 232.560 - Interest rate.
§ 232.565 - Maximum loan amount.
§ 232.570 - Endorsement of credit instrument.
§ 232.580 - Application of payments.
§ 232.585 - Prepayment privilege and prepayment charge.
§ 232.586 - Minimum principal loan amount.
Property Requirements
§ 232.590 - Eligibility of property.
§ 232.591 - Smoke detectors.
Fees and Charges
§ 232.505 - Application and application fee.
§ 232.510 - Commitment and commitment fee.
§ 232.515 - Refund of fees.
§ 232.520 - Maximum fees and charges by lender.
§ 232.522 - Inspection fee.
Cost Certification Requirements
§ 232.610 - Certification of cost requirements.
§ 232.595 - Eligibility of title.
§ 232.600 - Title evidence.
Eligible Borrowers
§ 232.615 - Eligible borrowers.
§ 232.616 - Disclosure and verification of Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.