§ 242.39 - Insurance endorsement.  

Latest version.
  • § 242.39 Insurance endorsement.

    (a) New construction/substantial rehabilitation. Initial endorsement of the mortgage note shall occur before any mortgage proceeds are insured, and the time of final endorsement shall be as set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

    (1) Initial endorsement. The Commissioner shall indicate the insurance of the mortgage by endorsing the original mortgage note and identifying the section of the Act and the regulations under which the mortgage is insured and the date of insurance.

    (2) Final endorsement. When all advances of mortgage proceeds have been made and all the terms and conditions of the commitment have been met to HUD's satisfaction, HUD shall indicate on the original mortgage note the total of all advances approved for insurance and again endorse such instrument.

    (b) Section 242/223(f) refinancing/acquisition.

    (1) In cases that do not involve advances of mortgage proceeds, endorsement shall occur after all relevant terms and conditions have been satisfied, including, if applicable, completion of any limited rehabilitation, or upon assurance acceptable to the Commissioner that all limited rehabilitation will be completed by a date certain following endorsement.

    (2) In cases where advances of mortgage proceeds are used to fund limited rehabilitation, endorsement shall occur as described in paragraph (a) of this section immediately above, for new construction/substantial rehabilitation.

    (c) Contract rights and obligations. The Commissioner and the mortgagee or lender shall be bound from the date of initial endorsement by the provisions of the Contract of Mortgage Insurance stated in subpart B of part 207, which is hereby incorporated by reference into this part.

    [78 FR 8343, Feb. 5, 2013]