§ 570.422 - Applications from joint applicants.  

Latest version.
  • Units of general local government may submit a joint application which addresses common problems faced by the jurisdictions, to the extent permitted by the NOFA. A joint application must be pursuant to a written cooperation agreement submitted with the application. The cooperation agreement must authorize one of the participating units of government to act as the lead applicant which will submit the application to HUD, and must delineate the responsibilities of each participating unit of government with respect to the Small Cities Program. The lead applicant is responsible for executing the application, certifications, and grant agreement, and ensuring compliance with all laws, regulations, and Executive Orders applicable to the CDBG Program. HUD reserves the right to deal exclusively with the lead applicant with respect to issues of program administration and performance, including remedial actions. In the event of poor performance, HUD reserves the right to deny and/or restrict future funding to all units of general local government that are parties to the cooperation agreement. The maximum amount that may be awarded pursuant to a joint application is the maximum single grant limit established in a NOFA or pursuant to § 570.421(g) multiplied by the number of participants in the cooperation agreement, provided that for the purpose of determining such a multiple grant limit, and in order to receive such amount, a participating joint applicant must receive a substantial direct benefit from the activities proposed in the application, and must not be acting solely on behalf of, or in conjunction with, another jurisdiction for the sole purpose of raising the maximum grant amount that may be awarded. In addition, the statistics of each participant counted for maximum grant limits purposes shall also be used for purposes of the selection factors referred to in § 570.421(a).