§ 570.423 - Application for the HUD-administered New York Small Cities Grants.  

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  • (a) Proposed application. The applicant shall prepare and publish a proposed application and comply with citizen participation requirements as described in § 570.431. The applicant should follow the citizen participation requirements of 24 CFR part 91 if it submits a complete consolidated plan.

    (b) Final application. The applicant shall submit to HUD a final application containing its community development objectives and activities. This final application shall be submitted, in a form prescribed by HUD, to the appropriate HUD office. The application also must contain a priority nonhousing community development plan, in accordance with 24 CFR 91.235.

    (c) Certifications. (1) Certifications shall be submitted in a form prescribed by HUD. If the application contains any housing activities, the applicant shall certify that the proposed housing activities are consistent with its abbreviated consolidated plan, as described at 24 CFR part 91.

    (2) In the absence of evidence (which may, but need not, be derived from performance reviews or other sources) which tends to challenge in a substantial manner the certifications made by the applicant, the certifications will be accepted by HUD. However, if HUD does have available such evidence, HUD may require the submission of additional information or assurances before determining whether an applicant's certifications are satisfactory.

    (d) Thresholds. The HUD Office may use any information available to it to make the threshold judgments required by the applicable NOFA, including information related to the applicant's performance with respect to any previous assistance under this subpart. The annual performance and evaluation report required under § 570.507(a) is the primary source of this information. The HUD Office may request additional information in cases where it is essential to make the required performance judgments.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0060).