§ 884.212 - Project completion.  

Latest version.
  • § 884.212 Project completion.

    (a) FmHA certifications upon completion. Upon completion of the project, FmHA shall inspect the project and, if determined to be acceptable, submit to the HUD field office the following certifications:

    (1) The project has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement;

    (2) The project is in good and tenantable condition;

    (3) There are no defects or deficiencies in the project other than punchlist items, or incomplete work awaiting seasonal opportunity;

    (4) There has been no change in management capability.

    (b) HUD review. HUD shall promptly review the certifications submitted pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section (see § 884.203(b)).

    (c) HUD acceptance. If HUD determines from the review that the certifications are acceptable in accordance with these subparts, the project shall be accepted.

    (d) Acceptance where defects or deficiencies reported. If the only defects or deficiencies are punchlist items or incomplete items awaiting seasonal opportunity, the project may be accepted and the Contract executed. If the Owner fails to complete the items within a reasonable time to the satisfaction of HUD (and the PHA, if applicable), HUD may, after consultation with FmHA, upon 30 days notice to the Owner (and the PHA, if applicable), terminate the Contract and/or exercise its other rights thereunder or, if the Contract is with a PHA, cancel its approval of the Contract and require its termination and/or exercise its other rights under the Contract and the ACC.

    (e) Arbitration. In the event the Owner disputes HUD determinations, he may submit the controversy to third-party arbitration at his expense, provided that the arbitration is advisory only.

    (f) Completion in stages. If the project is to be completed in stages, the procedures of this section shall apply to each stage.