§ 901.105 - Computing assessment score.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Grades within indicators and components have the following point values:

    (1) Grade A = 10.0 points;

    (2) Grade B = 8.5 points;

    (3) Grade C = 7.0 points;

    (4) Grade D = 5.0 points;

    (5) Grade E = 3.0 point; and

    (6) Grade F = 0.0 points.

    (b) If indicators or components are designated as having additional weight (e.g., x1.5 or x2), the points in each grade will be multiplied times the additional weight.

    (c) Indicators will be graded individually. Components within an indicator will be graded individually, and then will be used to determine a single grade for the indicator, by dividing the total number of component points by the total number of component weights and rounding off to two decimal places. The total number of component weights for this purpose includes a one for components that are unweighted (i.e., they are weighted x1, rather than x1.5 or x2).

    (d) Adjustment for physical condition and neighborhood environment. The overall PHMAP score will be adjusted by adding additional points that reflect the adjustment to be given to the differences in the difficulty of managing developments that result from physical condition and neighborhood environment:

    (1) Adjustments shall apply to the following three indicators only:

    (i) Indicator #1, vacancy rate and unit turnaround;

    (ii) Indicator #4, work orders; and

    (iii) Indicator #5, annual inspection and condition of units and systems.

    (2) Definitions of physical condition and neighborhood environment are:

    (i) Physical condition: refers to units located in developments over ten years old that require major capital investment in order to meet local codes or minimum HQS standards, whichever is applicable. This excludes developments that have been comprehensively modernized.

    (ii) Neighborhood environment: refers to units located within developments where the immediate surrounding neighborhood (that is a majority of the census tracts or census block groups on all sides of the development) has at least 51% of families with incomes below the poverty rate as documented by the latest census data.

    (3) Any PHA with 5% or more of its units subject to either or both of the above conditions shall, if they so choose, be issued an adjusted PHMAP score in addition to the regular score based solely upon the certification of the PHA. The adjusted score shall be calculated as follows:

    Percent of units subject to physical condition and/or neighborhood environmentExtra pointsAt least 5% but less than 10%.5At least 10% but less than 20%.6At least 20% but less than 30%.7At least 30% but less than 40%.8At least 40% but less than 50%.9At least 50%1.0

    (i) These extra points will be added to the score (grade) of the indicator(s) to which these conditions may apply. A PHA is required to certify on form HUD-50072, PHMAP Certification, the extent to which the conditions apply, and to which of the indicators the extra scoring points should be added.

    (ii) Units in developments that have received substantial rehabilitation within the past ten years are not eligible to be included in the calculation of total PHA units due to physical condition only.

    (iii) A PHA that receives a grade of A under indicators #4 and/or #5 may not claim the additional adjustment for indicator #1 based on physical condition of its developments, but may claim additional adjustment based on neighborhood environment.

    (iv) A PHA that receives the maximum potential weighted points on indicators #1, #4 and/or #5 may not claim any additional adjustment for physical condition and/or neighborhood environment for the respective indicator(s).

    (v) A PHA's score for indicators #1, #4 and/or #5, after any adjustment(s) for physical condition and/or neighborhood environment, may not exceed the maximum potential weighted points assigned to the respective indicator(s).

    (4) If only certain units or developments received substantial rehabilitation, the additional adjustment shall be prorated to exclude the units or developments with substantial rehabilitation.

    (5) The Date of Full Availability (DOFA) shall apply to scattered site units, where the age of units and buildings vary, to determine whether the units have received substantial rehabilitation within the past ten years and are eligible for an adjusted score for the physical condition factor.

    (6) PHAs shall maintain supporting documentation to show how they arrived at the number and percentage of units out of their total inventory that are subject to adjustment.

    (i) If the basis was neighborhood environment, the PHA shall have on file the appropriate maps showing the census tracts or census block groups surrounding the development(s) in question with supporting census data showing the level of poverty. Units that fall into this category but which have already been removed from consideration for other reasons (permitted exemptions and modifications and/or exclusions) shall not be counted in this calculation.

    (ii) For the physical condition factor, a PHA would have to maintain documentation showing the age and condition of the units and the record of capital improvements, indicating that these particular units have not received modernization funds.

    (iii) PHAs shall also document that in all cases, units that were exempted for other reasons were not included in the calculation.