§ 901.120 - State/Area Office functions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The State/Area Office will assess each PHA within its jurisdiction on an annual basis:

    (1) The State/Area Office will make determinations for high-performing, standard, troubled PHAs and mod-troubled PHAs in accordance with a PHA's PHMAP weighted score.

    (2) The State/Area Office will also make determinations for exclusion and modification requests.

    (b) Each State/Area Office will notify each PHA of the PHA's grade and the grade of the RMC (if any) assuming management functions at any of the PHA's developments, in each indicator; the PHA's management assessment total weighted score and status, and if applicable; its adjustment for physical condition and neighborhood environment; any determinations concerning exclusion and modification requests; and any deadline date by which appeals must be received. PHA notification should include offers of pertinent technical assistance in problem areas, suggestions for means of improving problem areas, and areas of relief and incentives as a result of high performer status. The PHA must notify the RMC (if any) in writing, immediately upon receipt of the State/Area Office notification, of the RMC's grades.

    (c) An on-site confirmatory review may be conducted of a PHA by HUD. The purpose of the on-site confirmatory review is to verify those indicators for which a PHA provides certification, as well as the accuracy of the information received in the State/Area Office pertaining to the remaining indicators.

    (1) Whenever practicable, a confirmatory review should be conducted by HUD prior to the issuance of a PHA's initial notification letter. The results of the confirmatory review shall be included in the PHA's initial notification letter.

    (2) If, in an exceptional circumstance, a confirmatory review is conducted after the State/Area Office issues the initial notification letter, the State/Area Office shall explain the results of the confirmatory review in writing, correct the PHA's total weighted score, as appropriate, and reissue the initial notification letter to the PHA.

    (3) The State/Area Office shall conduct a confirmatory review of a PHA with 100 or more units under management that scores less than 60% for its total weighted score, or less than 60% on indicator #2, modernization, before initially designating the PHA as troubled or mod-troubled. The results of the confirmatory review shall be included in the PHA's initial notification letter.

    (4) The State/Area Office shall conduct a confirmatory review on a yearly basis of all troubled and mod-troubled PHAs.

    (5) The State/Area Office shall conduct a confirmatory review of a PHA with 100 or more units under management prior to the removal of troubled or mod-troubled designation.

    (6) Independent confirmatory reviews (team members from other State/ Area Offices) shall be conducted of troubled PHAs with 1250 or more units under management prior to the removal of troubled designation.

    (d) A PHA that cannot provide justifying documentation to HUD during the conduct of a confirmatory review, or other verification review(s), for any indicator(s) or component(s) certified to, shall receive a failing grade in that indicator(s) or component(s), and its overall PHMAP score shall be lowered by the State/Area Office. The State/Area Office shall explain to the PHA the reason(s) for the change(s) in writing, correct the PHA's grade for an individual component(s) and/or indicator(s) and total weighted score, as appropriate, and reissue the initial notification letter to the PHA.

    (e) If the data for any indicator(s) or component(s) that a PHA certified to cannot be verified by HUD during the conduct of a confirmatory review, or any other verification review(s), the State/Area Office shall change a PHA's grade for any indicator(s) or component(s), and its overall PHMAP score, as appropriate, to reflect the verified data obtained during the conduct of such review. The State/Area Office shall explain to the PHA the reason(s) for the change(s) in writing, correct the PHA's grade for an individual component(s) and/or indicator(s) and total weighted score, as appropriate, and reissue the initial notification letter to the PHA.

    (f) A PHA that cannot provide justifying documentation to the independent auditor for the indicator(s) or component(s) that the PHA certified to, as reflected in the audit report, will receive a grade of F for that indicator(s), and its overall PHMAP score will be lowered by the State/Area Office. The State/Area Office shall explain to the PHA the reason(s) for the change(s) in writing, correct the PHA's grade for an individual component(s) and/or indicator(s) and total weighted score, as appropriate, and reissue the initial notification letter to the PHA.

    (g) A PHA's PHMAP score for an individual indicator(s), component(s) or its overall PHMAP score may be changed by the Area/State Office pursuant to the data included in the independent audit report, as applicable. The State/Area Office shall explain to the PHA the reason(s) for the change(s) in writing, correct the PHA's grade for an individual component(s) and/or indicator(s) and total weighted score, as appropriate, and reissue the initial notification letter to the PHA.

    (h) Determinations on appeals and on petitions to remove troubled or mod-troubled status will be made by the State/Area Office.

    (i) Determinations of intentional false certifications will be made by the State/Area Office. State/Area Offices shall consult with the local Office of Inspector General for guidance in cases of determinations of intentional false certification.

    (j) In exceptional circumstances, the State/Area Office may deny or rescind a PHA's status as a standard or high performer, in accordance with § 901.115(i), so that it will not be entitled to any of the areas of relief and incentives.

    (k) The State/Area Office will maintain PHMAP files for public inspection in accordance with § 901.155.