§ 901.130 - Incentives.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A PHA that is designated high performer or standard performer will be relieved of specific HUD requirements, effective upon notification of high or standard performer designation.

    (b) A PHA shall not be designated a mod-high performer and be entitled to the applicable incentives unless it has been designated an overall high performer.

    (c) High-performing PHAs, and RMCs that receive a grade of A on each of the indicators for which they are assessed, will receive a Certificate of Commendation from the Department as well as special public recognition.

    (d) Representatives of high-performing PHAs may be requested to serve on Departmental working groups that will advise the Department in such areas as troubled PHAs and performance standards for all PHAs.

    (e) State/Area Offices may award incentives to PHAs on an individual basis for a specific reason(s), such as a PHA making the right decision that impacts long-term overall management or the quality of a PHA's housing stock, with prior concurrence from the Assistant Secretary.

    (f) Relief from any standard procedural requirements does not mean that a PHA is relieved from compliance with the provisions of Federal law and regulations or other handbook requirements. For example, although a high or standard performer may be relieved of requirements for prior HUD approval for certain types of contracts for services, it must still comply with all other Federal and State requirements that remain in effect, such as those for competitive bidding or competitive negotiation (see 24 CFR 85.36):

    (1) PHAs will still be subject to regular independent auditor (IA) audits.

    (2) Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits or investigations will continue to be conducted as circumstances may warrant.

    (g) In exceptional circumstances, the State/Area Office will have discretion to subject a PHA to any requirement that would otherwise be omitted under the specified relief, in accordance with § 901.115(i).