§ 901.135 - Memorandum of Agreement.  

Latest version.
  • (a) After consulting the independent assessment team and reviewing the report identified in section 6(j)(2)(b) of the 1937 Act, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), a binding contractual agreement between HUD and a PHA, shall be required for each PHA designated as troubled and/or mod-troubled. The scope of the MOA may vary depending upon the extent of the problems present in the PHA, but shall include:

    (1) Baseline data, which should be raw data but may be the PHA's score in each of the indicators identified as a problem, or other relevant areas identified as problematic;

    (2) Annual and quarterly performance targets, which may be the attainment of a higher grade within an indicator that is a problem, or the description of a goal to be achieved, for example, the reduction of rents uncollected to 6% or less by the end of the MOA annual period;

    (3) Strategies to be used by the PHA in achieving the performance targets within the time period of the MOA;

    (4) Technical assistance to the PHA provided or facilitated by the Department, for example, the training of PHA employees in specific management areas or assistance in the resolution of outstanding HUD monitoring findings;

    (5) The PHA's commitment to take all actions within its control to achieve the targets;

    (6) Incentives for meeting such targets, such as the removal of troubled or mod-troubled designation and Departmental recognition for the most improved PHAs;

    (7) The consequences of failing to meet the targets, including such sanctions as the imposition of budgetary limitations, declaration of substantial default and subsequent actions, limited denial of participation, suspension, debarment, or the imposition of operating funding and modernization thresholds; and

    (8) A description of the involvement of local public and private entities, including PHA resident leaders, in carrying out the agreement and rectifying the PHA's problems. A PHA shall have primary responsibility for obtaining active local public and private entity participation, including the involvement of public housing resident leaders, in assisting PHA improvement efforts. Local public and private entity participation should be premised upon the participant's knowledge of the PHA, ability to contribute technical expertise with regard to the PHA's specific problem areas and authority to make preliminary/tentative commitments of support, financial or otherwise.

    (b) A MOA shall be executed by:

    (1) The PHA Board Chairperson and accompanied by a Board resolution, or a receiver (pursuant to a court ordered receivership agreement, if applicable) or other AME acting in lieu of the PHA Board;

    (2) The PHA Executive Director, or a designated receiver (pursuant to a court ordered receivership agreement, if applicable) or other AME-designated Chief Executive Officer;

    (3) The Director, State/Area Office of Public Housing, except as stated in (d) of this section; and

    (4) The appointing authorities of the Board of Commissioners, unless exempted by the State/Area Office.

    (c) The Department encourages the inclusion of the resident leadership in MOA negotiations and the execution of the MOA.

    (d) Upon designation of a large PHA (1250 or more units under management) as troubled, the State/Area Office shall make a referral to HUD Headquarters for appropriate recovery intervention and the execution of an MOA by the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.

    (e) A PHA will monitor MOA implementation to ensure that performance targets are met in terms of quantity, timeliness and quality.