§ 901.15 - Indicator #2, modernization.  

Latest version.
  • This indicator is automatically excluded if a PHA does not have a modernization program. This indicator examines the amount of unexpended funds over three Federal fiscal years (FFY) old, the timeliness of fund obligation, the adequacy of contract administration, the quality of the physical work, and the adequacy of budget controls. All components apply to both the Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP), the Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program (CIAP) and lead based paint risk assessment funding (1992-1995), and any successor program(s) to the CGP or the CIAP. Only components #3, #4 and #5 apply to funding under the Hope VI Program and the Vacancy Reduction Program for the assessment of this indicator. This indicator has a weight of x1.5.

    (a) Component#1, unexpended funds over three Federal fiscal years (FFYs) old. This component has a weight of x1.

    (1) Grade A: The PHA has no unexpended funds over three FFYs old or is able to demonstrate one of the following:

    (i) The unexpended funds are leftover funds and will be recaptured after audit;

    (ii) There are no unexpended funds past the original HUD-approved implementation schedule deadline that allowed longer than three FFYs; or

    (iii) The PHA has extended the time within 30 calendar days after the expenditure deadline and the time extension is based on reasons outside of the PHA's control, such as need to use leftover funds, unforeseen delays in contracting or contract administration, litigation, material shortages, or other non-PHA institutional delay.

    (2) Grade F: The PHA has unexpended funds over three FFYs old and is unable to demonstrate any of the above three conditions; or the PHA requests HUD approval of a time extension based on reasons within the PHA's control.

    (b) Component#2, timeliness of fund obligation. This component has a weight of x2.

    (1) Grade A: The PHA has no unobligated funds over two FFYs old or is able to demonstrate one of the following:

    (i) There are no unobligated funds past the original HUD-approved implementation schedule deadline that allowed longer than two FFYs; or

    (ii) The PHA has extended the time within 30 calendar days after the obligation deadline and the time extension is based on reasons outside of the PHA's control, such as need to use leftover funds, unforeseen delays in contracting or contract administration, litigation, material shortages, or other non-PHA institutional delay.

    (2) Grade F: The PHA has unobligated funds over two FFYs old and is unable to demonstrate any of the above two conditions; or the PHA requests HUD approval of a time extension based on reasons within the PHA's control.

    (c) Component#3, adequacy of contract administration. For the purposes of this component, the term “findings” means a violation of a statute, regulation, Annual Contributions Contract or other HUD requirement in the area of contract administration. This component has a weight of x1.5.

    (1) Grade A: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection and/or audit, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were no findings related to contract administration or the PHA has corrected all such findings.

    (2) Grade C: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection and/or audit, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were findings related to contract administration and the PHA is in the process of correcting all such findings.

    (3) Grade F: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection and/or audit, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were findings related to contract administration and the PHA has failed to initiate corrective actions for all such findings or those actions which have been initiated have not resulted in progress toward remedying all of the findings.

    (d) Component#4, quality of the physical work. For the purposes of this component, the term “findings” means a violation of a statute, regulation, Annual Contributions Contract or other HUD requirement in the area of physical work quality. This component has a weight of x3.

    (1) Grade A: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were no findings related to the quality of the physical work or the PHA has corrected all such findings.

    (2) Grade C: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were findings related to the quality of the physical work and the PHA is in the process of correcting all such findings.

    (3) Grade F: Based on HUD's latest on-site inspection, where a written report was provided to the PHA at least 75 calendar days before the end of the PHA's fiscal year, there were findings related to the quality of the physical work and the PHA has failed to initiate corrective actions for all such findings or those actions which have been initiated have not resulted in progress toward remedying all of the findings.

    (e) Component#5, adequacy of budget controls. This component has a weight of x1.

    (1) Grade A: The CGP PHA has expended modernization funds only on work in HUD-approved CGP Annual Statements, CGP Five-Year Action Plan, excluding emergencies, or CIAP Budgets, or has obtained prior HUD approval for required budget revisions. The CIAP PHA has expended modernization funds only on work in HUD-approved CIAP Budgets or related to originally approved work or has obtained prior HUD approval for required budget revisions.

    (2) Grade F: The CGP PHA has expended modernization funds on work that was not in HUD-approved CGP Annual Statements, CGP Five-Year Action Plan, excluding emergencies, or CIAP Budgets, and did not obtain prior HUD approval for required budget revisions. The CIAP PHA has expended modernization funds on work that was not in HUD-approved CIAP Budgets or was unrelated to originally approved work and did not obtain prior HUD approval for required budget revisions.