§ 901.205 - Notice and response.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If information from an annual assessment, as described in § 901.100, a management review or audit, or any other credible source indicates that there may exist events or conditions constituting a substantial breach or default, the Department shall advise a PHA of such information. The Department is authorized to protect the confidentiality of the source(s) of such information in appropriate cases. Before taking further action, except in cases of apparent fraud or criminality, and/or in cases where emergency conditions exist posing an imminent threat to the life, health, or safety of residents, the Department shall afford the PHA a timely opportunity to initiate corrective action, including the remedies and procedures available to PHAs designated as “troubled PHAs,” or to demonstrate that the information is incorrect.

    (b) In any situation determined to be an emergency, or in any case where the events or conditions precipitating the intervention are determined to be the result of criminal or fraudulent activity, the Assistant Secretary is authorized to intercede to protect the residents’ and the Department's interests by causing the proposed interventions to be implemented without further appeals or delays.

    (c) Upon a determination or finding that events have occurred or that conditions exist that constitute a substantial default, the Assistant Secretary shall provide written notification of such determination or finding to the affected PHA. Written notification shall be transmitted to the Executive Director, the Chairperson of the Board, and the appointing authority(s) of the Board, and shall include, but need not necessarily be limited to:

    (1) Identification of the specific covenants, conditions, and/or agreements under which the PHA is determined to be in noncompliance;

    (2) Identification of the specific events, occurrences, or conditions that constitute the determined noncompliance;

    (3) Citation of the communications and opportunities to effect remedies afforded pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section;

    (4) Notification to the PHA of a specific time period, to be not less than 10 calendar days, except in cases of apparent fraud or other criminal behavior, and/or under emergency conditions as described in paragraph (a) of this section, nor more than 30 calendar days, during which the PHA shall be required to demonstrate that the determination or finding is not substantively accurate; and

    (5) Notification to the PHA that, absent a satisfactory response in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, the Department will take control of the PHA, using any or all of the interventions specified in § 901.210, and determined to be appropriate to remedy the noncompliance, citing § 901.210, and any additional authority for such action.

    (d) Upon receipt of the notification described in paragraph (c) of this section, the PHA must demonstrate, within the time period permitted in the notification, factual error in the Department's description of events, occurrences, or conditions, or show that the events, occurrences, or conditions do not constitute noncompliance with the statute, regulation, or covenants or conditions to which the PHA is cited in the notification.