§ 906.10 - Nonpurchasing residents.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Nonpurchasing resident's options. If an existing resident of a dwelling authorized for sale under a homeownership plan is ineligible for purchase, or declines to purchase, the resident shall be given the choice of either relocation to other suitable and affordable housing or continued occupancy of the present dwelling on a rental basis, at a rent no higher than that permitted by the Act. Displacement (permanent, involuntary move) in order to make a dwelling available for sale, is prohibited. In addition to applicable program sanctions, a violation of the displacement prohibition may trigger a requirement to provide relocation assistance in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24. Where continued rental occupancy by a nonpurchasing resident is contemplated after conversion of the property to cooperative or condominium ownership, the homeownership plan must include provision for any rental subsidy required (e.g., Section 8 assistance, if available and authorized by the Section 8 regulations). As soon as feasible after they can be identified, all nonpurchasing residents shall be given written notice of their options under this section.

    (b) Relocation assistance. A nonpurchasing resident who chooses to relocate pursuant to this section shall be offered the following relocation assistance:

    (1) Advisory services to assure full choices and real opportunities to obtain relocation within a full range of neighborhoods where suitable housing may be found, in and outside areas of minority concentration, including timely information, counseling, explanation of the resident's rights under the Fair Housing Act, and referrals to suitable, safe, sanitary and affordable housing (at a rent no higher than permitted by the Act), which is of the resident's choice, on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, religion (creed), national origin, handicap, age, sex, or familial status, in compliance with applicable Federal and State law. This requirement will be met if the resident is offered the opportunity to relocate to other suitable housing under the Public Housing Program, any of the housing assistance programs under Section 8 of the Act, or any other Federal, State or local program that is comparable, as to standards of housing quality, admission and rent, to the programs under the Act, and provides a term of assistance of at least five years; and

    (2) Payment for actual, reasonable moving and related expenses.

    (c) Temporary relocation. A nonpurchasing resident who must relocate temporarily to permit work to be carried out shall be provided suitable, decent, safe and sanitary housing for the temporary period and reimbursed for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the temporary relocation, including the cost of moving to and from the temporarily occupied housing and any increase in monthly rent and utility costs.