§ 906.20 - Content of homeownership plan.  

Latest version.
  • The homeownership plan must address the following matters, as applicable to the particular factual situation:

    (a) Property description. A description of the property, including identification of the development and the specific dwellings to be sold.

    (b) Repair or rehabilitation. If applicable, a plan for any repair or rehabilitation required under § 906.6, based on the assessment of the physical condition of the property that is included in the supporting documentation.

    (c) Purchaser eligibility and selection. The standards and procedures to be used for homeownership applications and the eligibility and selection of purchasers, consistent with the requirements of § 906.8. If the homeownership plan allows application for purchase of vacant units by families who are not presently public housing or Section 8 residents and not already on the PHA's waiting lists for those programs, the plan must include an affirmative fair housing marketing strategy for such families, including specific steps to inform them of their eligibility to apply, and to solicit applications from those in the housing market who are least likely to apply for the program without special outreach.

    (d) Sale and financing. Terms and conditions of sale and financing (see, particularly, §§ 906.11 through 906.14).

    (e) Future consultation with residents. A plan for consultation with residents during the implementation stage (See § 906.5). If appropriate, this may be combined with the plan for counseling.

    (f) Counseling. Counseling, training, and technical assistance to be provided in accordance with § 906.9.

    (g) Sale via resident-controlled entity. If the plan contemplates sale to residents via an entity other than the PHA, a description of that entity's responsibilities and information demonstrating that the requirements of § 906.7(b) have been met or will be met in a timely fashion.

    (h) Nonpurchasing residents. If applicable, a plan for nonpurchasing residents, in accordance with § 906.10.

    (i) Sale proceeds. An estimate of the sale proceeds and an explanation of how they will be used, in accordance with § 906.15.

    (j) Replacement housing. A replacement housing plan, in accordance with § 906.16.

    (k) Administration. An administrative plan, including estimated staffing requirements.

    (l) Records, accounts and reports. A description of the recordkeeping, accounting and reporting procedures to be used, including those required by § 906.17.

    (m) Budget. A budget estimate, showing the costs of implementing the plan, and the sources of the funds that will be used.

    (n) Timetable. An estimated timetable for the major steps required to carry out the plan.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0201)