Subpart A - General
§ 950.101 - Applicability and scope.
§ 950.102 - Definitions.
§ 950.110 - Assistance from Indian Health Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs.
§ 950.115 - Applicability of civil rights requirements.
§ 950.117 - Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.
§ 950.120 - Compliance with other Federal requirements.
§ 950.125 - Establishment of IHAs pursuant to State law.
§ 950.126 - Establishment of IHAs by tribal ordinance.
§ 950.130 - IHA Commissioners who are tenants or homebuyers.
§ 950.135 - Administrative capability.
Subpart B - Procurement
§ 950.160 - Procurement standards.
§ 950.165 - Methods of procurement.
§ 950.170 - Other requirements applicable to development contracts.
§ 950.172 - Wage rates.
§ 950.175 - Indian preference requirements.
§ 950.190 - Insurance.
§ 950.195 - Lead-based paint liability insurance coverage.
Subpart C - Development
§ 950.200 - Roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies.
§ 950.205 - Allocation.
§ 950.207 - Eligibility.
§ 950.210 - Authority for proceeding without HUD approval.
§ 950.215 - Production methods.
§ 950.220 - Total development cost.
§ 950.225 - Application.
§ 950.227 - Initial development grant approval and ACC execution.
§ 950.229 - Expenditure of funds.
§ 950.231 - Project coordination.
§ 950.235 - Site selection criteria.
§ 950.240 - Types of interest in land.
§ 950.245 - Appraisals.
§ 950.247 - Environment.
§ 950.250 - Site approval.
§ 950.255 - Design criteria.
§ 950.260 - Construction stage development cost budget and certifications.
§ 950.265 - Construction and inspections.
§ 950.270 - Construction completion and settlement.
§ 950.275 - Warranty inspections and enforcement.
§ 950.280 - Correcting deficiencies.
§ 950.285 - Fiscal closeout.
Subpart D - Operation
§ 950.301 - Admission policies.
§ 950.303 - Selection preferences.
§ 950.304 - Federal preferences: general.
§ 950.305 - Federal preference: involuntary displacement.
§ 950.306 - Federal preference: substandard housing.
§ 950.307 - Federal preference: rent burden.
§ 950.308 - Exemption from eligibility requirements for police officers and other security personnel.
§ 950.310 - Restrictions on assistance to noncitizens.
§ 950.315 - Initial determination, verification, and reexamination of family income and composition.
§ 950.320 - Determination of rents and homebuyer payments.
§ 950.325 - Total tenant payment—Rental and Turnkey III programs.
§ 950.335 - Rent and homebuyer payment collection policy.
§ 950.340 - Grievance procedures and leases.
§ 950.345 - Maintenance and improvements.
§ 950.346 - Fire safety.
§ 950.360 - IHA employment practices.
Subpart E - Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity Program
§ 950.401 - Scope and applicability.
§ 950.416 - Selection of MH homebuyers.
§ 950.419 - MH contribution.
§ 950.422 - Commencement of occupancy.
§ 950.425 - Inspections, responsibility for items covered by warranty.
§ 950.426 - Homebuyer payments before March 9, 1976.
§ 950.427 - Homebuyer payments for projects under ACC on or after March 9, 1976.
§ 950.428 - Maintenance, utilities, and use of home.
§ 950.431 - Operating reserve.
§ 950.432 - Operating budget submission and approval.
§ 950.434 - Operating subsidy.
§ 950.437 - Homebuyer reserves and accounts.
§ 950.440 - Purchase of home.
§ 950.443 - IHA homeownership financing.
§ 950.446 - Termination of MHO Agreement.
§ 950.449 - Succession.
§ 950.452 - Miscellaneous.
§ 950.453 - Counseling of homebuyers.
§ 950.455 - Conversion of rental projects.
§ 950.458 - Conversion of Mutual Help projects to rental program.
Subpart F - Self-Help Development in the Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity Program
§ 950.470 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.475 - Basic requirements.
§ 950.480 - Self-Help agreement.
§ 950.485 - Application.
§ 950.490 - Development program.
§ 950.495 - Default of Self-Help agreement.
Subpart G - Turnkey III Program
§ 950.501 - Introduction.
§ 950.503 - Conversion of Turnkey III developments.
§ 950.505 - Eligibility and selection of Turnkey III homebuyers.
§ 950.507 - Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreements (HOOA).
§ 950.509 - Responsibilities of homebuyer.
§ 950.511 - Homebuyers’ association (HBA).
§ 950.512 - Homeowners’ association (HOA).
§ 950.513 - Break-even amount and application of monthly payments.
§ 950.515 - Monthly operating expense.
§ 950.517 - Earned Home Payments Account (EHPA).
§ 950.519 - Nonroutine Maintenance Reserve (NRMR).
§ 950.521 - Operating reserve.
§ 950.523 - Operating subsidy.
§ 950.525 - Purchase price and methods of purchase.
§ 950.529 - Termination of Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement.
Subpart H - Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention
§ 950.551 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.553 - Testing and abatement applicable to development.
§ 950.555 - Testing and abatement applicable to modernization.
§ 950.560 - Notification.
§ 950.565 - Maintenance obligation; defective paint surfaces.
§ 950.570 - Procedures involving EBLs.
§ 950.575 - Compliance with tribal, State and local laws.
§ 950.580 - Monitoring and enforcement.
§ 950.585 - Insurance coverage.
Subpart I - Modernization Program
Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program (For IHAs that Own or Operate Fewer than 250 Indian Housing Units)
§ 950.630 - Procedures for obtaining approval of a modernization program.
§ 950.632 - Resident and homebuyer participation.
§ 950.634 - Budget revisions.
§ 950.636 - Progress reports.
§ 950.638 - Time extensions.
§ 950.640 - HUD review of IHA performance.
General Provisions
§ 950.600 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.602 - Special requirements for Turnkey III and Mutual Help developments.
§ 950.604 - Allocation of funds under section 14.
§ 950.606 - Reserve for emergencies and disasters.
§ 950.608 - Eligible costs.
§ 950.610 - Modernization and energy conservation standards.
§ 950.612 - Force account.
§ 950.614 - Initiation of modernization activities.
§ 950.616 - Fund requisitions.
§ 950.618 - Contracting requirements.
§ 950.620 - On-site inspections.
§ 950.622 - Fiscal closeout.
Comprehensive Grant Program (For IHAs That Own or Operate 250 or More Indian Housing Units)
§ 950.650 - Determination of formula amount.
§ 950.652 - Comprehensive plan (including Five-Year Action Plan).
§ 950.654 - HUD review and approval of comprehensive plan (including Five-Year Action Plan).
§ 950.656 - Annual submission of activities and expenditures.
§ 950.658 - IHA Performance and Evaluation Report.
§ 950.660 - HUD review of IHA performance.
Subpart J - Operating Subsidy
§ 950.701 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.705 - Determination of amount of operating subsidy under PFS.
§ 950.710 - Computation of Allowable Expense Level.
§ 950.715 - Computation of Utilities Expense Level.
§ 950.720 - Other costs.
§ 950.725 - Projected operating income level.
§ 950.730 - Adjustments.
§ 950.735 - Transition funding for excessive high-cost IHAs.
§ 950.740 - Operating reserves.
§ 950.745 - Operating budget submission and approval.
§ 950.750 - Payment procedure for operating subsidy under PFS.
§ 950.755 - Payments of operating subsidy conditioned upon reexamination of income of families in occupancy.
§ 950.756 - Phase-down of subsidy for units approved for demolition.
§ 950.757 - Three-year incentive adjustments.
§ 950.760 - Determining Actual and Requested Budget Year Occupancy Percentages.
§ 950.770 - [Reserved]
§ 950.772 - Financial management systems, monitoring, and reporting.
§ 950.774 - Operating subsidy eligibility for projects owned by IHAs in Alaska.
§ 950.775 - Transition provisions.
§ 950.777 - Effect of rescission.
Subpart K - Energy Audits, Energy Conservation Measures, and Utility Allowances
§ 950.801 - Purpose and applicability.
Resident Utility Allowances
§ 950.860 - Applicability.
§ 950.865 - Establishment of utility allowances by IHAs.
§ 950.867 - Categories for establishment of allowances.
§ 950.869 - Period for which allowances are established.
§ 950.870 - Standards for allowances for utilities.
§ 950.872 - Surcharges for excess consumption of IHA-furnished utilities.
§ 950.874 - Review and revision of allowances.
§ 950.876 - Individual relief.
Individual Metering of Utilities
§ 950.840 - Individually metered utilities.
§ 950.842 - Benefit/cost analysis.
§ 950.844 - Funding.
§ 950.845 - Order of conversion.
§ 950.846 - Actions affecting residents.
§ 950.849 - Waivers for similar projects.
§ 950.850 - Reevaluations of mastermeter systems.
Energy Audits and Energy Conservation Measures
§ 950.805 - Requirements for energy audits.
§ 950.810 - Order of funding.
§ 950.812 - Funding.
§ 950.815 - Energy conservation equipment and practices.
§ 950.822 - Compliance schedule.
§ 950.825 - Energy performance contracts.
Subpart L - Operation of Projects After Expiration of Initial ACC Term
§ 950.901 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.903 - Continuing eligibility for operating subsidy; ACC extension.
§ 950.905 - ACC extension in absence of current operating subsidy.
§ 950.907 - HUD approval of disposition or demolition.
Subpart M - Disposition or Demolition of Projects
§ 950.921 - Purpose and applicability.
§ 950.923 - General requirements for HUD approval of disposition or demolition.
§ 950.925 - Resident organization opportunity to purchase.
§ 950.927 - Specific criteria for HUD approval of disposition requests.
§ 950.928 - Specific criteria for HUD approval of demolition requests.
§ 950.931 - IHA application for HUD approval.
§ 950.933 - Use of proceeds.
§ 950.935 - Replacement housing plan.
Subpart O - Resident Participation and Opportunities General Provisions
§ 950.960 - Purpose.
§ 950.961 - Applicability and scope.
§ 950.962 - Definitions.
§ 950.963 - HUD's role in activities under this subpart.
§ 950.964 - Resident participation requirements.
§ 950.965 - Funding resident participation.
Tenant Opportunities Program
§ 950.966 - General.
§ 950.967 - Eligible TOP activities.
§ 950.968 - Technical assistance.
§ 950.969 - Resident management requirements.
§ 950.970 - Management specialist.
§ 950.971 - Operating subsidy, preparation of operating budget, operating reserves, and retention of excess revenues.
§ 950.972 - TOP Audit and administrative requirements.
Family Investment Centers (FIC) Program
§ 950.980 - General.
§ 950.982 - Eligibility.
§ 950.983 - FIC activities.
§ 950.984 - IHA role in activities under this part.
§ 950.985 - HUD Policy on training, employment, contracting, and subcontracting of Indian housing residents.
§ 950.986 - Grant set-aside assistance.
§ 950.987 - Resident compensation.
§ 950.988 - Administrative requirements.
Subpart P - Section 5(h) Homeownership Program
§ 950.1001 - Purpose.
§ 950.1002 - Applicability.
§ 950.1003 - General authority for sale.
§ 950.1004 - Fundamental criteria for HUD approval.
§ 950.1005 - Resident consultation and involvement.
§ 950.1006 - Property that may be sold.
§ 950.1007 - Methods of sale and ownership.
§ 950.1008 - Purchaser eligibility and selection.
§ 950.1009 - Counseling, training, and technical assistance.
§ 950.1010 - Nonpurchasing residents.
§ 950.1011 - Nonroutine maintenance reserve.
§ 950.1012 - Purchase prices and financing.
§ 950.1013 - Protection against fraud and abuse.
§ 950.1014 - Limitation on resale profit.
§ 950.1015 - Use of sale proceeds.
§ 950.1016 - Replacement housing.
§ 950.1017 - Records, reports, and audits.
§ 950.1018 - Submission and review of homeownership plan.
§ 950.1019 - HUD approval and IHA-HUD implementing agreement.
§ 950.1020 - Content of homeownership plan.
§ 950.1021 - Supporting documentation.
Subpart R - Family Self-Sufficiency
§ 950.3001 - Purpose, scope, and applicability.
§ 950.3002 - Program objectives.
§ 950.3003 - Definitions.
§ 950.3004 - Basic requirements of the FSS program.
§ 950.3011 - Action Plan.
§ 950.3012 - Program Coordinating Committee (PCC).
§ 950.3013 - FSS family selection procedures.
§ 950.3014 - On-site facilities.
§ 950.3020 - Program implementation.
§ 950.3021 - Administrative fees.
§ 950.3022 - Contract of participation.
§ 950.3024 - Total tenant payment and increases in family income.
§ 950.3025 - FSS account.
§ 950.3030 - Reporting.