§ 950.1008 - Purchaser eligibility and selection.  

Latest version.
  • Standards and procedures for eligibility and selection of the initial purchasers of individual dwellings shall be consistent with the following provisions:

    (a) Applications. Persons who are interested in purchase shall submit applications for that specific purpose, and those applications shall be handled separately from applications for other IHA programs. For vacant units, applications shall be dated as received by the IHA and, subject to eligibility and preference factors, selection shall be made in the order of receipt. Application for homeownership shall not affect an applicant's place on any other IHA waiting list.

    (b) Eligibility threshold. Subject to any additional eligibility and preference standards that are required or permitted under this section, a homeownership plan may provide for the eligibility of residents of low-income housing owned or leased by the seller IHA (including Mutual Help and Turnkey III homebuyers, who may elect to terminate their existing homebuyer agreements in favor of purchase under the Section 5(h) homeownership plan) and residents of other housing who are receiving housing assistance under Section 8 of the Act, under an ACC administered by the seller IHA; provided that the resident has been in lawful occupancy for a minimum period specified in the plan (not less than 30 days prior to conveyance of title to the dwelling to be purchased). For residents of other housing who are receiving housing assistance under Section 8, the minimum occupancy requirement may be satisfied in the unit for which the family is receiving Section 8 assistance or the Indian housing unit. If the family is to meet part or all of the minimum occupancy requirement in the Indian housing unit, the Section 8 assistance shall be terminated before the family moves into the Indian housing unit. Indian housing units are ineligible for Section 8 certificate and voucher assistance as long as they remain under the ACC as Indian housing.

    (c) Applicants who do not meet minimum residency requirement for eligibility. (1) A homeownership plan, at IHA discretion, may also permit eligibility for applicants who do not meet the minimum residency requirement of paragraph (b) of this section (30 days or more, as prescribed by the homeownership plan) at the time of application, provided that their selection is conditioned upon completion of the minimum residency requirement prior to conveyance of title. A plan may thus allow satisfaction of the threshold requirements for eligibility by:

    (i) Existing low-income housing or Section 8 residents with less than the minimum period of residency;

    (ii) Families who are already on the IHA's waiting lists; and

    (iii) Other low-income families who are neither low-income housing nor Section 8 residents at the time of application or selection.

    (2) Applicants who are not already low-income housing residents, however, shall also satisfy the requirements for admission to such housing.

    (d) Compliance with lease obligations. Eligibility shall be limited, however, to residents who have been current in all of their lease obligations (in the case of Mutual Help or Turnkey III homebuyers, obligations under their homebuyer agreements) over a period of not less than six months prior to conveyance of title (or, if so provided by the homeownership plan, such lesser period as has elapsed since the beginning of low-income housing or Section 8 tenure), including, but not limited to, payment of rents (or homebuyer's monthly payments) and other charges and reporting of all income that is pertinent to determination of rents (or homebuyer's monthly payments). At the IHA's discretion, the homeownership plan may allow a resident to remedy under-reporting of income, provided that proper reporting of income would not have resulted in ineligibility for admission to low-income housing or for Section 8 assistance, by payment of the resulting underpayment for rent (or homebuyer's monthly payments) prior to conveyance of title to the homeownership dwelling, either in a lump sum or in installments over a reasonable period. Alternatively, the plan may permit payment within a reasonable period after conveyance of title, under an agreement secured by a mortgage on the property.

    (e) Affordability standard. Eligibility shall be further limited to residents who are capable of assuming the financial obligations of homeownership, under minimum income standards for affordability, taking into account the unavailability of operating subsidies and modernization funds after conveyance of the property by the IHA. A homeownership plan may, however, take account of any available subsidy from other sources (e.g., in connection with a plan for cooperative ownership, assistance under Section 8 of the Act, if available and authorized by the Section 8 regulations). Under this affordability standard, an applicant shall meet the following requirements:

    (1) On an average monthly estimate, the amount of the applicant's payments for mortgage principal and interest, plus insurance, real estate taxes, utilities, maintenance, and other regularly-recurring homeownership costs (such as condominium, cooperative, or other homeownership association fees) will not exceed the sum of 35 percent of the applicant's adjusted income, as defined in this part.

    (2) The applicant can pay any amounts required for closing, such as a downpayment (if any) and closing costs chargeable to the purchaser, in accordance with the homeownership plan.

    (f) Option to restrict eligibility. A homeownership plan may, at the IHA's discretion, restrict eligibility to one or more residency-based categories (e.g., for occupied units, eligibility may be restricted to the existing residents of the units to be sold; for vacant units, eligibility may be restricted to low-income housing residents only, or to low-income housing residents plus any one or more of the other residency-based categories that may be established under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section), as may be reasonable in view of the number of units to be offered for sale and the estimated number of eligible applicants in various categories provided that the residency-based preferences mandated by paragraph (g) of this section are observed.

    (g) Residency-based preferences. For occupied units, a preference shall be given to the existing residents of each of the dwellings to be sold. For vacant units (including units which are voluntarily vacated), a preference shall be given to residents of other low-income housing units owned or leased by the seller IHA (over any other residency-based categories that may be established by a homeownership plan for Section 8 residents or for nonresident applicants).

    (h) Other eligibility or preference standards. If consistent with the other provisions of this section, a homeownership plan may include any other standards for eligibility or preference, or both, at the discretion of the IHA, that are not contrary to law. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0201).