§ 950.130 - IHA Commissioners who are tenants or homebuyers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Tenant or homebuyer commissioners. No person shall be barred from serving on an IHA's Board of Commissioners because he or she is a tenant or homebuyer in a housing project of the IHA. A Commissioner who is a tenant or homebuyer shall be entitled to participate fully in all meetings concerning matters that affect all of the tenants or homebuyers, even though such matters affect him or her as well. However, no such Commissioner shall be entitled or permitted to participate in or be present at any meeting (except in his or her capacity as a tenant or homebuyer), or be counted or treated as a member of the Board, concerning any matter involving his or her individual rights, obligations, or status as a tenant or homebuyer.

    (b) Commissioner as IHA employee. A member of the IHA's Board of Commissioners shall not be eligible for employment by the IHA, except under extremely unusual circumstances in which it is documented that no one except the commissioner is qualified for the position and where the HUD Area ONAP approves in advance of the hiring.