§ 950.160 - Procurement standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a) HUD standards. (1) Applicability. This subpart sets forth Federal requirements to be followed by IHAs in the procurement of services, supplies, and goods.

    (2) Contracting authorization. An IHA may execute contracts without HUD approval for the procurement of work, materials, equipment, and/or professional services, in accordance with paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section. Before the execution of contracts, the IHA Board of Commissioners will ensure that procedures are in place to ensure all ACC, statutory, and regulatory requirements are satisfied before the execution of contracts. The IHA Board of Commissioners will periodically review compliance with these procedures.

    (3) Limitations. (i) An IHA shall not award a contract until the prospective contractor has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the IHA, the technical, administrative, and financial capability to perform contract work of the size and type involved and within the time provided under the contract. The IHA shall not award a contract to a person or firm on the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs, which is compiled, maintained, and distributed by the General Services Administration (GSA), or to a person or firm that is subject to a limited denial of participation issued by the HUD Office of Native American Programs. (See 24 CFR part 24.)

    (ii) The IHA may execute or approve any agreement or contract for personnel, management, legal, or other services with any person or firm without the prior written approval of HUD, except under the following circumstances:

    (A) When the term of the agreement or contract (including renewal) is in excess of two years; or

    (B) When the amount of the agreement or contract is in excess of the amount included for such purpose in the HUD-approved development cost budget, Comprehensive Grant program budget, or operating budget, or an amount specified from time to time by HUD, as the case may be; or

    (C) When the agreement or contract is for legal or other services in connection with litigation; or

    (D) For contracts in excess of $100,000 in the aggregate when the IHA proposes to award a contract based upon a single bid or proposal received except when the procurement meets the requirements of 24 CFR 950.165(d).

    (4) Records. An IHA shall maintain records sufficient to detail the significant history of a procurement. The IHA shall maintain evidence in its files:

    (i) That the solicitation and award procedures were conducted in compliance with State, tribal, or local laws and Federal requirements, including requirements for Indian preference and wage rates;

    (ii) That the award does not exceed the approved budget amount and is not being made on the basis of a single bid or proposal; and

    (iii) That the IHA reviewed the contractor's qualifications, checked to ensure that the contractor is not listed on the GSA List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs, and determined that the contractor has the capacity to successfully complete the work or services under the terms and conditions of the contract. This determination shall consider the contractor's record of past performance, integrity, compliance with public policy, and financial and technical resources.

    (5) Contract administration. An IHA is responsible, in accordance with good administrative practice and sound business judgment, for the settlement of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurement.

    (6) Competition. All procurement transactions must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition.

    (7) Contract cost and price. An IHA must perform a cost or price analysis in connection with every procurement action, including contract modifications.

    (b) IHA standards. (1) IHA procedures. Each IHA shall adopt, promulgate, and comply with rules or regulations for the procurement and administration of supplies, materials, services, and equipment in connection with the development and operation of projects. Upon adoption or modification, the IHA will promptly furnish a copy of these rules or regulations to HUD. These rules or regulations shall contain provisions on at least the following subjects:

    (i) Procedures to ensure that all procurement transactions are conducted in a full and open competitive manner, consistent with the standards of 24 CFR 85.36;

    (ii) Identification (by position title) of IHA officials authorized to enter into and approve contracts on a noncompetitive basis as authorized by 24 CFR 85.36(d)(4);

    (iii) Procedures for inventory control;

    (iv) Procedures for storage and protection of goods and supplies;

    (v) Procedures for issuance of, or other disposition of, supplies and equipment;

    (vi) Procedures for implementing Indian preference requirements;

    (vii) Procedures for handling complaints and protests regarding procurement;

    (viii) Standards of conduct governing IHA directors, board members, officers, and employees; and

    (ix) Conflict of interest provisions governing directors, officers, employees, contractors/developers, and others doing business with the IHA.

    (2) Contract administration system. An IHA shall maintain a contract administration system that ensures that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts and purchase orders.

    (c) Government-wide contract requirements. A HUD regulation found at 24 CFR part 85 embodies government-wide administrative requirements for grants to State, local, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments (including grants received by IHAs). The contract provisions listed in 24 CFR 85.36(i) of that regulation are to be included in any IHA contracts.