§ 950.308 - Exemption from eligibility requirements for police officers and other security personnel.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Purpose and scope. The purpose of this section is to permit the admission to Indian housing of police officers and other security personnel who are not otherwise eligible for such housing under any other admission requirements or procedures, under a plan submitted by an Indian housing authority (IHA) and approved by the Department, and to set forth standards and criteria for the approval of such plans. The Department's objective in granting the exemption allowed by this section is to permit long-term residence in Indian housing developments by police officers and security personnel, whose visible presence is expected to serve as a deterrent to criminal activity in and around Indian housing.

    (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section:

    Department means the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For purposes of plan submission and approval, Department refers to the local HUD Office of Native American Programs.

    Eligible Families means families that are eligible for residence in Indian housing assisted under the United States Housing Act of 1937.

    Officer means a professional police officer or other professional security provider. Police officers and other security personnel are considered professional if they are employed full time, i.e., not less than 35 hours per week, by a governmental unit or a private employer and compensated expressly for providing police or security services. As used in this section, “Officer” may refer to the Officer as so defined or to the Officer and his or her family taken together, depending on the context.

    Plan means the written plan submitted by an IHA to the Department, under which, if approved, the Department will exempt Officers from the normal eligibility requirements for residence in Indian housing developments and allow Officers who are otherwise not eligible to reside in Indian housing units. An IHA may have only one plan in effect at any one time, which will govern exemptions under this section for all housing developments managed by that IHA.

    (c) Exemption from eligibility requirements; plan submission; plan approval or disapproval.

    (1) Conditions for exemption. The Department may exempt Officers from the eligibility requirements for admission to Indian housing, provided that:

    (i) The Officers would not be eligible, under any other admission requirements or procedures, for admission to the Indian housing development without such an exemption; and

    (ii) The exemption is given under a properly submitted plan that satisfies the standards and criteria set forth in § 950.308(d), and accordingly has been approved by the Department.

    (2) Plan submission. A plan is properly submitted when it is received by the local HUD Office of Native American Programs with jurisdiction over the IHA.

    (3) Notification of plan approval or disapproval. The Department will notify an IHA of the approval or disapproval of its plan within thirty days of its submission. Plan approval by the Department constitutes granting of the exemption for the purposes of this section.

    (d) Plan standards and criteria. (1) Minimum requirements. To be approved, a plan shall satisfy the following requirements:

    (i) The plan shall identify the total number of units under management by the IHA; the specific housing developments, and the number of units they contain, where the IHA intends to place Officers; and the particular units (stating number of bedrooms) within each development that would be allocated to Officers. For each unit identified, the plan shall state the amount of rent that the Officer will pay and facts and circumstances (such as the rent that would ordinarily be charged for the unit, the IHA's annual maintenance cost for the unit, the degree of difficulty in attracting Officers to reside in the unit, the extent of the crime problem in the development, and the anticipated benefits of the Officer's presence) that demonstrate the reasonableness of that amount, as required under § 950.308(e)(i).

    (ii) The plan shall identify specifically the benefits to the community and to the IHA that will result from the presence of Officers in each affected development.

    (iii) The plan shall describe the existing physical and social conditions in and around each affected development, providing specific evidence of criminal activity (such as frequency of telephone calls to local police, number of arrests and types of offenses involved, and data on drug abuse in the community) in order to permit the Department to make an informed assessment of the level of need for increased security.

    (iv) The plan shall afford the Department a reasonable basis, which necessarily includes the certifications required under § 950.308(d)(2), for determining that the use by Officers of the identified dwelling units will:

    (A) Increase security for other Indian housing residents;

    (B) Result in a limited loss of income to the IHA; and

    (C) Not result in a significant reduction of units available for residence by Eligible Families.

    (2) Certifications by IHA. Only upon making the determination described in § 950.308(d)(1)(iv) will the Department approve a plan. Further, the Department will not make this determination unless the plan contains a written statement, signed by an authorized officer or other agent of the IHA, certifying that:

    (i) The dwelling units proposed to be allocated to Officers are situated so as to place the Officers in close physical proximity to other residents;

    (ii) No resident families will have to be transferred to other dwelling units in order to make available the units proposed to be allocated to Officers;

    (iii) The dwelling units proposed to be allocated to Officers will be rented under a lease that contains the terms described in § 950.308(e); and

    (iv) The number of dwelling units proposed to be allocated to Officers under the plan does not exceed the limits set forth in § 950.308(d)(3), or, in the alternative, any units so allocated in excess of the applicable maximum number are vacant units for which there are no Eligible Families. This certification on the part of the IHA satisfies the requirements of §§ 950.308(d)(1)(iv)(B) and (C).

    (3) Unit allocation table. For purposes of the certification required by § 950.308(d)(2), the following table sets forth the maximum number of units to be allocated to Officers as a function of the total number of units under management by the IHA:

    Unit Allocation TableTotal units under managementUnits to be allocated500-999 51000-4999 105000-9999 1510,000 + 20 The maximum number of units to be allocated by IHAs with less than 500 units under management will be determined by the Office of Native American Programs on a case by case basis. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 2577-0185.)

    (e) Special rent requirements and other terms and conditions. The IHA shall lease units to Officers under a lease agreement, which shall be submitted as a part of the plan, containing terms that provide as follows:

    (1) Reasonable rent. The lease shall provide for a reasonable rent, which may be a flat amount not related to the Officer's income. The IHA should attempt to establish a rent that will provide an incentive to Officers to reside in the units but that is also consistent with the limited loss of income requirement of § 950.308(d)(1)(iv)(B). As required in § 950.308(d)(1)(i), the plan shall state facts and circumstances (such as the rent that would ordinarily be charged for the unit, the IHA's annual maintenance cost for the unit, the degree of difficulty in attracting Officers to reside in the unit, the extent of the crime problem in the development, and the anticipated benefits of the Officer's presence) that demonstrate the reasonableness of the rent amount.

    (2) Responsibility for damage and overall condition. The Officer shall be responsible for physical damage to the interior of the leased unit, hallway, and entrance, if any, and exterior area bordering the unit. The lease also shall require the Officer to maintain the overall condition of the leased unit, including control of litter in the area of the development immediately around the unit.

    (3) Responsibility for normal facility management. The lease shall impose on the IHA responsibility for routine facility management relating to the leased unit, including ongoing maintenance and repair of equipment, trash collection, and similar areas of responsibility.

    (4) Continued employment. The lease shall provide that the Officer's right of occupancy is dependent on the continuation of employment as an Officer. The lease also shall provide that the Officer will move out of the leased unit within a reasonably prompt time, to be established by the lease, after termination of employment as an Officer.

    (5) Prohibition on subletting. The lease shall prohibit the Officer from subletting the unit, and provide that the unit shall be the Officer's primary residence.

    (f) Applicability of the annual contributions contract; effect on the performance funding system. (1) Annual contributions contract. Except to the extent that an exemption from eligibility requirements is provided under § 950.308(c), Indian housing units occupied by Officers in accordance with a plan submitted and approved under this section will be subject to the terms and conditions of the annual contributions contract (ACC) between the IHA and HUD. This section does not override any of the terms and conditions of the ACC except insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this section.

    (2) Performance Funding System. For purposes of the operating subsidy under the Performance Funding System (PFS) described in subpart J of this part, dwelling units allocated to Officers in accordance with this section are excluded from the total unit months available, as defined in § 950.102. Also for purposes of the operating subsidy under the PFS, the full amount of any rent paid by Officers in accordance with this section is included in other income, as defined in § 950.102. IHAs may receive operating subsidy for one unit per housing development to promote economic self-sufficiency services or anti-drug programs, including housing police officers and security personnel. An IHA may request consideration of such units in its calculation of operating subsidy eligibility through the appropriate local HUD Office of Native American Programs.