§ 950.419 - MH contribution.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Amount and form of contribution. As a condition of occupancy, the MH homebuyer will be required to provide an MH contribution. Contributions other than labor may be made by an Indian tribe on behalf of a family.

    (1) The value of the contribution shall not be less than $1500.

    (2) The MH contribution may consist of land, labor, cash, materials, equipment, or any combination thereof. Land contributed to satisfy this requirement shall be owned in fee simple by the homebuyer or shall be assigned or allotted to the homebuyer for his or her use before application for an MH unit. Contributions of land donated by another person on behalf of the homebuyer will satisfy the requirement for an MH contribution. A homebuyer may provide cash to satisfy the MH contribution requirement where the cash is used for the purchase of land, labor, materials, or equipment for the homebuyer's home.

    (3) The amount of credit for an MH contribution in the case of land, labor, materials, or equipment shall be based upon the market value at the time of the contribution. In the case of labor, materials, or equipment, market value shall be determined by the contractor and the IHA. In the case of land, market value shall be determined by the IHA. (See § 950.245). The use of labor, materials, or equipment as MH contributions shall be reflected by a reduction in the Total Contract Price stated in the Construction Contract.

    (b) Execution of Agreements. For projects other than Self-Help development projects, MHO Agreements should be signed for all units before execution of the construction contract for the project. Land leases for trust land shall be signed and approved by BIA before construction start.

    (c) Total contribution to be furnished before occupancy. The homebuyer cannot occupy the unit until the entire MH contribution is provided to the IHA. If the homebuyer is unable or unwilling to provide the MH contribution before occupancy of the project, the MHO Agreement for the homebuyer shall be terminated and the IHA shall select a substitute homebuyer from its waiting list.

    (d) MH contribution in event of substitution of homebuyer. If an MHO Agreement is terminated and a substitute homebuyer is selected, the amount of MH contribution to be provided by the substitute homebuyer shall be in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. The substitute homebuyer may not occupy the unit until the complete MH contribution has been made.

    (e) Disposition of contribution. If an MHO Agreement is terminated by the IHA or the homebuyer before the date of occupancy, the homebuyer may receive reimbursement of the value of the MH contribution made plus other amounts contributed by the homebuyer, in accordance with § 950.446.