§ 950.432 - Operating budget submission and approval.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Required documentation. (1) An IHA shall prepare an operating budget each fiscal year in a manner prescribed by HUD. The board of commissioners shall review and approve the budget by resolution. Each fiscal year, the IHA shall submit to the Area ONAP the approved board resolution and any necessary supporting documentation for operating subsidy as prescribed by HUD.

    (2) The Area ONAP may direct an IHA to submit a complete operating budget if the IHA has been issued a corrective action order with respect to financial management. If such action is necessary, the Area ONAP will notify the IHA prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

    (b) HUD operating budget review. (1) A detailed review will be performed on IHA operating budgets that are subject to HUD review and approval. If the HUD Area ONAP finds that an operating budget is incomplete, includes illegal or ineligible expenditures, mathematical errors, errors in the application of accounting procedures, or is otherwise unacceptable, the HUD Area ONAP may at any time require the submission by the IHA of further information regarding an operating budget or operating budget revision.

    (2) When the IHA no longer is operating in a manner that threatens the future serviceability, efficiency, economy, or stability of the housing, HUD will notify the IHA that it no longer is required to submit an operating budget to HUD for review and approval.