§ 950.511 - Homebuyers’ association (HBA).  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. (1) The homebuyers’ association (HBA) is an incorporated organization composed of all homebuyers and homeowners. Each Turnkey III development shall have an HBA, unless the homes are on scattered sites (noncontiguous lots throughout a multi-block area with no common property), or the number of homes in the development may be too few to support an HBA. For such cases, a modified form of homebuyers association or a less formal organization may be desirable. This decision shall be made jointly by the IHA and the homebuyers.

    (2) The functions of the HBA shall be set forth in its articles of incorporation and by-laws. The IHA shall assist the HBA in its organization and operation to the extent possible.

    (b) Funding. The IHA may provide noncash contributions to the HBA, such as office space, as well as cash contributions, which shall be provided for in the annual operating budgets of the IHA. The cash contributions shall be in an amount provided for in the IHA budget and shall be subject to any HUD restrictions on funding.