§ 950.529 - Termination of Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement.

Latest version.
  • (a) Termination by IHA. (1) In the event the homebuyer should breach the Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement by failure to make the required monthly payment, by misrepresentation or withholding information in applying for admission or in connection with any subsequent reexamination of income and family composition, by failure to comply with any of the other homebuyer obligations under the agreement, by loss of homeownership potential (beyond a temporary, unforeseen change in circumstances), an income that requires outright purchase, the IHA may terminate the agreement 30 days after giving the homebuyer notice of its intention to do so in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

    (2) Notice of termination by the IHA shall be in writing. Such notice shall state:

    (i) The reason for termination;

    (ii) That the homebuyer may respond to the IHA, in writing or in person, within a specified reasonable period of time regarding the reason for termination;

    (iii) That in such response the homebuyer may be represented by the HBA;

    (iv) That the IHA will consult the HBA concerning this termination;

    (v) That unless the IHA rescinds or modifies the notices, the termination shall be effective at the end of the 30-day notice period; and

    (vi) That, in the case of termination as a result of loss of homeownership potential when the homebuyer is otherwise in compliance with the agreement, the family will be offered a transfer to a rental unit (whether or not in concert with a conversion of that unit to the rental program). If a rental unit of appropriate size is available, the family will be notified of a transfer to that unit. If no other unit is then available and the homebuyer's current unit is not to be converted to rental, the family will be notified that it may remain in place until an appropriate rental unit becomes available (in which case the unit remains under the Turnkey III project). Otherwise, the notice shall state that the transfer shall occur as soon as a suitable rental unit is available for occupancy, but no earlier than 30 days from the date of the notice. The notice shall also state that if the homebuyer should refuse to move under such circumstances, the family may be required to vacate the homebuyer unit, without further notice.

    (b) Termination by the homebuyer. The homebuyer may terminate the Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement by giving the IHA 30 days notice in writing of the intention to terminate and vacate the home. In the event that the homebuyer vacates the home without notice to the IHA, the agreement shall be terminated automatically, and the IHA may dispose of, in any manner deemed suitable by it, any items of personal property left by the homebuyer in the home.

    (c) Transfer to the rental program. In the event of termination of the Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement by the IHA or by the homebuyer with adequate notice, the homebuyer may be transferred to a suitable unit in the rental program, in accordance with § 950.503 or terminated from occupancy. If the homebuyer is transferred to the rental program, the amount in the homeowner's EHPA shall be paid in accordance with § 950.517(i).