§ 950.720 - Other costs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Costs of independent audits. (1) Eligibility to receive operating subsidy for independent audits is considered separately from the PFS. However, the IHA shall not request, nor will HUD approve, an operating subsidy for the cost of an independent audit if the audit has been funded by subsidy in a prior year. The IHA's estimate of cost of the independent audit is subject to adjustment by HUD. If the IHA requires assistance in determining the amount of cost to be estimated, it should contact the HUD Area ONAP.

    (2) An IHA that is required by the Single Audit Act (31 U.S.C. 7501-7507) (see 24 CFR part 44) to conduct a regular independent audit may receive operating subsidy to cover the cost of the audit. The amount shall be prorated between the IHA's development cost budget and one or all of its operating budgets, as appropriate. The estimated cost of an independent audit, applicable to the operations of IHA-owned rental housing, is not included in the Allowable Expense Level, but it is allowed in full in computing the amount of operating subsidy under § 950.705.

    (3) An IHA that is exempt from the audit requirements of the Single Audit Act (31 U.S.C. 7501-7507) (see 24 CFR part 44) may receive operating subsidy to offset the cost of an independent audit chargeable to operations (after the end of the initial operating period) if the IHA chooses to have an audit.

    (b) (1) Costs attributable to units approved for deprogramming and vacant may be eligible for inclusion, but must be limited to the minimum services and protection necessary to protect and preserve the units until the units are deprogrammed. Costs attributable to units temporarily unavailable for occupancy because the units are utilized for IHA-related activities are not eligible for inclusion. In determining the PFS operating subsidy, these units shall not be included in the calculation of Unit Months Available. Units approved for deprogramming shall be listed by the IHA, and supporting documentation regarding direct costs attributable to such units shall be included as a part of the Performance Funding System calculation in which the IHA requests operating subsidy for these units. If the IHA requires assistance in this matter, the IHA should contact the HUD Field Office.

    (2) Units approved for nondwelling use to promote economic self-sufficiency services and anti-drug activities are eligible for operating subsidy under the conditions provided in this paragraph (b)(2), and the costs attributable to these units are to be included in the operating budget. If a unit satisfies the conditions stated below, it will be eligible for subsidy at the rate of the AEL for the number of months the unit is devoted to such use. Approval will be given for a period of no more than 3 years. HUD may renew the approval to allow payments after that period only if the IHA can demonstrate that no other sources for paying the non-utility operating costs of the unit are available. The conditions the unit must satisfy are:

    (i) The unit must be used for either economic self-sufficiency activities directly related to maximizing the number of employed residents or for anti-drug programs directly related to ridding the development of illegal drugs and drug-related crime. The activities must be directed toward and for the benefit of residents of the development.

    (ii) The IHA must demonstrate that space for the service or program is not available elsewhere in the locality and that the space used is safe and suitable for its intended use or that the resources are committed to make the space safe and suitable.

    (iii) The IHA must demonstrate satisfactorily that other funding is not available to pay for the non-utility operating costs. All rental income generated as a result of the activity must be reported as income in the operating subsidy calculation.

    (iv) Operating subsidy may be approved for only one site (involving one or more contiguous units) per public housing development for economic self-sufficiency services or anti-drug programs, and the number of units involved should be the minimum necessary to support the service or program. Operating subsidy for any additional sites per development can only be approved by HUD Headquarters.

    (v) The IHA must submit a certification with its Performance Funding System Calculation that the units are being used for the purpose for which they were approved and that any rental income generated as a result of the activity is reported as income in the operating subsidy calculation. The IHA must maintain specific documentation of the units covered. Such documentation should include a listing of the units, the street addresses, and project/management control numbers.

    (3) Long-term vacant units that are not included in the calculation of Unit Months Available are eligible for operating subsidy in the Requested Budget Year at the rate of 20 percent of the AEL. Allowable utility costs for long term vacant units will continue to be funded in accordance with § 950.715.

    (c) Costs attributable to changes in Federal law or regulation. In the event that HUD determines that enactment of a Federal law or revision in HUD or other Federal regulations have caused or will cause a significant increase in expenditures of a continuing nature above the Allowable Expense Level and Utilities Expense Level, and upon a determination that sufficient other funds are not available to cover the required expenditures, HUD may in HUD's sole discretion decide to prescribe a procedure under which the IHA may apply for or may receive an increase in operating subsidy.

    (d) Costs beyond the control of the IHA. Costs attributable to unique circumstances that are beyond the control of the IHA and were not reflected in the IHA's Base Year Expense Level may be considered for supplemental operating subsidy funding. When costs were reflected in the IHA's Base Year Expense Level, but the rate of increase for such costs is greater than the prescribed PFS inflation rate(s), then the increase in excess of that provided by the inflation rate may be considered for supplemental operating subsidy funding. The IHA shall submit to the HUD Area ONAP complete documentation relating to those cost items that it claims to be beyond its control. Such documentation shall not be submitted as part of the requested operating budget, but shall be submitted separately as an addendum to the budget. The IHA also shall show that these additional costs cannot be funded from its own resources. In the event that excess funds are available after making all payments approvable under §§ 950.705 and 950.720 of this chapter, HUD may, in HUD's sole discretion, solicit, evaluate, and approve or disapprove, in full or in part, these requests for additional operating subsidy for costs beyond the control of the IHA.

    (e)(1) Costs resulting from combination of two or more units. When an IHA redesigns or rehabilitates a project and combines two or more units into one larger unit, and the combination of units results in a unit that houses at least the same number of people as were previously served, the AEL for the requested year shall be multiplied by the number of unit months not included in the requested year's unit months available as a result of these combinations that have occurred since the Base Year. The number of people served in a unit will be based on the formula [(2 × No. of bedrooms) minus 1], which yields the average number of people that would be served. An efficiency unit will be counted as a one bedroom unit for purposes of this calculation.

    (2) An exception to paragraph (e)(1) of this section is made when an IHA combines two efficiency units into a one-bedroom unit. In these cases, the AEL for the requested year shall be multiplied by the number of unit months not included in the requested year's unit months available as a result of these combinations that have occurred since the Base Year.

    (f) User fee. Additional operating subsidy will be provided to IHAs for payment of an annual User Fee separate from the PFS. An IHA operating a rental program shall pay an annual User Fee to municipalities, which may include tribal, city, county governments or other political subdivisions that provide any roads, water supply, sewage facilities, electrical systems, or fuel distribution systems. The annual User Fee will be paid in an amount equal to 10 percent of the applicable shelter rent, minus the utility allowance; or $150, whichever is greater, for each rental housing unit covered by this section.

    (g) Funding for resident organization expenses. In accordance with the provisions of 24 CFR Part 950, subpart O, and procedures determined by HUD, each IHA with a duly elected resident organization shall include in the operating subsidy eligibility calculation $25 per unit per year (subject to appropriations) for each unit represented by a duly-elected resident organization in support of the duly elected resident organization's activities.