§ 950.870 - Standards for allowances for utilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The objective of an IHA in designing methods of establishing utility allowances for each dwelling unit category and unit size shall be to approximate a reasonable consumption of utilities by an energy-conservative household of modest circumstances consistent with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and healthful living environment.

    (b) Allowances for both IHA-furnished and resident-purchased utilities shall be designed to include such reasonable consumption for major equipment or for utility functions furnished by the IHA for all residents (e.g., heating furnace, hot water heater), for essential equipment whether or not furnished by the IHA (e.g., range and refrigerator), and for minor items of equipment (such as toasters and radios) furnished by residents.

    (c) The complexity and elaborateness of the methods chosen by the IHA, in its discretion, to achieve the foregoing objective will depend upon the data available to the IHA and the extent of the administrative resources reasonably available to the IHA to be devoted to the collection of such data, the formulation of methods of calculation, and actual calculation and monitoring of the allowances.

    (d) In establishing allowances, the IHA shall take into account relevant factors affecting consumption requirements, including:

    (1) The equipment and functions intended to be covered by the allowance for which the utility will be used. For instance, natural gas may be used for cooking, heating domestic water, or space heating, or any combination of the three.

    (2) The climatic location of the housing projects.

    (3) The size of the dwelling units and the number of occupants per dwelling unit.

    (4) Type of construction and design of the housing project.

    (5) The energy efficiency of IHA-supplied appliances and equipment.

    (6) The utility consumption requirements of appliances and equipment whose reasonable consumption is intended to be covered by the total resident payment.

    (7) The physical condition, including insulation and weatherization, of the housing project.

    (8) Temperature levels intended to be maintained in the unit during the day and at night, and in cold and warm weather.

    (9) Temperature of domestic hot water.