§ 950.876 - Individual relief.

Latest version.
  • Requests for relief from surcharges for excess consumption of IHA-purchased utilities, or from payment of utility supplier billings in excess of the allowances for resident-purchased utilities, may be granted by the IHA on reasonable grounds, such as special needs of elderly, il,l or handicapped residents, or special factors affecting utility usage not within the control of the resident, as the IHA shall deem appropriate. The IHA's criteria for granting such relief, and procedures for requesting such relief, shall be adopted at the time the IHA adopts the methods and procedures for determining utility allowances. Notice of the availability of such procedures (including identification of the IHA representative with whom initial contact may be made by residents), and the IHA's criteria for granting such relief, shall be included in each notice to residents given in accordance with § 950.865(c) and in the information given to new residents upon admission.