§ 950.971 - Operating subsidy, preparation of operating budget, operating reserves, and retention of excess revenues.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Calculation of operating subsidy. Operating subsidy will be calculated separately for any project managed by a resident management corporation. This subsidy computation will be the same as the separate computation made for the balance of the projects in the IHA in accordance with subpart J of this part, with the following exceptions:

    (1) The project managed by a resident management corporation will have an Allowable Expense Level based on the actual expenses for the project in the fiscal year immediately preceding management under this subpart O. These expenditures will include the project's share of any expenses which are overhead or centralized IHA expenditures. The expenses shall represent a normal year's expenditures for the project, and shall exclude all expenditures that are not normal fiscal year expenditures as to amount or as to the purpose for which expended. Documentation of this expense level shall be presented with the project budget and approved by HUD. Any project expenditures funded from a source of income other than operating subsidies or income generated by the locally owned Indian housing program will be excluded from the subsidy calculation. For budget years after the first budget year under management by the resident management corporation, the Allowable Expense Level will be calculated as it is for all other projects, in accordance with subpart J of this part.

    (2) The resident management corporation project will estimate dwelling rental income based on the rent roll of the project immediately preceding the assumption of management responsibility under this subpart O, increased by the estimate of inflation of resident income used in calculating PFS subsidy.

    (3) The resident management corporation will exclude, from its estimate of other income, any increased income directly generated by activities of the corporation or facilities operated by the corporation.

    (4) Any reduction in the subsidy of an IHA that occurs as a result of fraud, waste, or mismanagement by the IHA shall not affect the subsidy calculation for the resident management corporation project.

    (b) Calculation of total income and preparation of operating budget. No reduction. (1) Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, the amount of funds provided by an IHA to a project managed by a resident management corporation under this subpart may not be reduced during the three-year period beginning on the date a resident management corporation first assumes management responsibility for the project.

    (2) Treatment of technical assistance. For purposes of determining the amount of funds provided to a project under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the provision of technical assistance by the IHA to the resident management corporation will not be included.

    (3) Operating budget. The resident management corporation and the IHA shall submit a separate operating budget, including the calculation of operating subsidy eligibility in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, for the project managed by a resident management corporation to HUD for approval. This budget will reflect all project expenditures and will identify which expenditures are related to the responsibilities of the resident management corporation and which are related to functions which will continue to be performed by the IHA.

    (4) Operating reserves. (i) Each project or part of a project that is operating in accordance with the ACC amendment relating to this subpart and in accordance with a contract vesting maintenance responsibilities in the resident management corporation will have transferred, into a sub-account of the operating reserve of the host IHA, an operating reserve. Where all maintenance responsibilities for the resident-managed project are the responsibility of the corporation, the amount of the reserve made available to projects under this subpart will be the per unit cost amount available in the IHA operating reserve, exclusive of all inventories, prepaids, and receivables (at the end of the IHA fiscal year preceding implementation), multiplied by the number of units in the project operated in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. Where some, but not all, maintenance responsibilities are vested in the resident management corporation, the contract may provide for an appropriately reduced portion of the operating reserve to be transferred into the corporation's subaccount.

    (ii) The use of the reserve will be subject to all administrative procedures generally applicable to the Indian housing program. Any expenditure of funds from the reserve will be for eligible expenditures which are incorporated into an operating budget subject to approval by HUD.

    (iii) Investment of funds held in the reserve will be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4 of the Financial Management Handbook, 7475.1 REV, and interest generated will be included in the calculation of operating subsidy in accordance with subpart J of this part.

    (c) Adjustments to total income. (1) Operating subsidy will reflect changes in inflation, utility rates and consumption, and changes in the number of units in the project.

    (2) In addition to the amount of income derived from the project (from sources such as rents and charges) and the operating subsidy calculated in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the contract may specify that income be provided to the project from other sources of income of the IHA.

    (3) The following conditions may not affect the amounts to be provided to a project managed by a resident management corporation under this subpart O:

    (i) Any reduction in the total income of an IHA that occurs as a result of fraud, waste, or mismanagement by the IHA; or

    (ii) Any change in the total income of an IHA that occurs as a result of project-specific characteristics that are not shared by the project managed by the corporation under this subpart O.

    (d) Retention of excess revenues. Any income generated by a resident management corporation that exceeds the income estimated for the income category involved shall be excluded in subsequent years in calculating:

    (1) The operating subsidy provided to an IHA under subpart J of this part; and

    (2) The funds provided by the IHA to the resident management corporation.

    (e) Use of retained revenues. Any revenues retained by a resident management corporation under paragraph (d) of this section may only be used for purposes of improving the maintenance and operation of the project, establishing business enterprises that employ residents of Indian housing, or acquiring additional dwelling units for low-income families. Units acquired by the resident management corporation will not be eligible for payment of operating subsidy.