Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 954.1 - Overview.
§ 954.2 - Definitions.
§ 954.3 - Waivers.
§ 954.4 - Other Federal requirements.
Subpart B - Applying for Assistance
§ 954.100 - General.
§ 954.101 - Allocation of funds.
§ 954.102 - Eligible applicants.
§ 954.103 - Housing strategy.
§ 954.104 - Performance thresholds.
§ 954.105 - Criteria for selection.
§ 954.106 - Announcement of competition.
§ 954.107 - Grant conditions.
§ 954.108 - Project amendment.
Subpart C - Eligible Activities and Affordability
§ 954.300 - Eligible activities.
§ 954.301 - Faith-based activities.
§ 954.302 - Income determinations.
§ 954.303 - Eligible project costs.
§ 954.304 - Eligible administrative costs.
§ 954.305 - Tenant-based rental assistance.
§ 954.306 - Rental housing: qualification as affordable housing and income targeting.
§ 954.307 - Homeownership: qualification as affordable housing.
§ 954.308 - Prohibited activities.
Subpart D - Project Requirements
§ 954.400 - Maximum per-unit subsidy amount.
§ 954.401 - Property standards.
§ 954.402 - Tenant and participant protections.
Subpart E - Program Administration
§ 954.500 - Repayment of investment.
§ 954.501 - Grantee responsibilities; written agreements; monitoring.
§ 954.502 - Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.
§ 954.503 - Audit.
§ 954.504 - Closeout.
§ 954.505 - Recordkeeping.
§ 954.506 - Performance reports.
§ 954.507 - Submission of project completion reports.
Subpart F - Performance Reviews and Sanctions
§ 954.600 - Performance reviews.
§ 954.601 - Corrective and remedial actions.
§ 954.602 - Notice and opportunity for hearing; sanctions.