§ 968.105 - Definitions.  

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  • The terms HUD and Public Housing Agency (PHA) are defined in 24 CFR part 5.

    Act. The United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.).

    Annual contributions contract (ACC). A contract under the Act between HUD and the PHA containing the terms and conditions under which the Department assists the PHA in providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low-income families. The ACC must be in a form prescribed by HUD under which HUD agrees to provide assistance in the development, modernization, and/or operation of a low-income housing project under the Act, and the PHA agrees to develop, modernize, and operate the project in compliance with all provisions of the ACC and the Act, and all HUD regulations and implementing requirements and procedures.

    CGP. The Comprehensive Grant Program, which provides modernization funds on a formula basis to PHAs with 250 or more public housing units.

    CIAP. The Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program, which provides modernization funds on a competitive basis to PHAs with fewer than 250 public housing units.

    Development. The term development has the same meaning as that provided for low-income housing project, as that term is defined in section 3(b)(1) of the Act.

    FFY. Federal fiscal year.

    Force account labor. Labor employed directly by the PHA on either a permanent or a temporary basis. See §968.120.

    Hard costs. The physical improvement costs in development accounts 1450 through 1475 of the Low-Rent Housing Accounting Handbook 7510.1, as revised, which include: Account 1450 Site Improvements; Account 1460 Dwelling Structures; Account 1465.1 Dwelling Equipment—Nonexpendable; Account 1470 Nondwelling Structures; and Account 1475 Nondwelling Equipment.

    Homebuyer agreement. A Turnkey III Homebuyer Ownership Opportunity Agreement.

    Modernization funds. Funds derived from an allocation of budget authority for the purpose of funding physical and management improvements.

    Modernization program. A PHA's program for carrying out modernization, as set forth in the approved CIAP budget or CGP Annual Statement.

    Modernization project. The improvement of one or more existing public housing developments under a unique number designated for that modernization program. For each modernization project, HUD and the PHA shall enter into an ACC amendment, requiring low-income use of the housing for not less than 20 years from the date of the ACC amendment (subject to sale of homeownership units in accordance with the terms of the ACC). The terms “modernization project number” and “comprehensive grant number” are used interchangeably.

    Non-routine maintenance. Work items that ordinarily would be performed on a regular basis in the course of upkeep of property, but have become substantial in scope because they have been put off, and involve expenditures that would otherwise materially distort the level trend of maintenance expenses. Replacement of equipment and materials rendered unsatisfactory because of normal wear and tear by items of substantially the same kind does qualify, but reconstruction, substantial improvement in the quality or kind of original equipment and materials, or remodeling that alters the nature or type of housing units does not qualify.

    Partnership process. A specific and ongoing process that is designed to ensure that residents, resident groups, and the PHA work in a cooperative and collaborative manner to develop, implement and monitor the CIAP or CGP. At a minimum, a PHA shall ensure that the partnership process incorporates full resident participation in each of the required program components.

    PHMAP. The Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP) is a process designed to allow HUD and the PHA to identify PHA management capabilities and deficiencies, and to lead to overall better management of the public housing program, in accordance with 24 CFR part 901.

    Reasonable cost. Total unfunded hard cost needs for a development that do not exceed 90 percent of the computed Total Development Cost (TDC) for a new development with the same structure type and number and size of units in the market area.

    Soft costs. The non-physical improvement costs which exclude any costs in development accounts 1450 through 1475.

    [54 FR 52689, Dec. 21, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 922, Jan. 9, 1991; 57 FR 5573, Feb. 14, 1992; 58 FR 13931, Mar. 15, 1993; 61 FR 5216, Feb. 9, 1996; 61 FR 8738, Mar. 5, 1996]