§ 968.205 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the definitions in §968.105, the following definitions apply to this subpart:

    Emergency Modernization (CIAP). A type of modernization program for a development that is limited to physical work items of an emergency nature that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of residents or is related to fire safety, and that must be corrected within one year of CIAP funding approval.

    Management capability. A PHA has management capability if it is:

    (1) Not designated as Troubled under part 901 of this chapter, Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP); or

    (2) Designated as Troubled, but has a reasonable prospect of acquiring management capability through CIAP-funded management improvements and administrative support. A Troubled PHA is eligible for Emergency Modernization only, unless it is making reasonable progress toward meeting the performance targets established in its memorandum of agreement or equivalent under §901.140 of this chapter or has obtained alternative oversight of its management functions.

    Modernization capability. A PHA has modernization capability if it is:

    (1) Not designated as Modernization Troubled under part 901 of this chapter, PHMAP; or

    (2) Designated as Modernization Troubled, but has a reasonable prospect of acquiring modernization capability through CIAP-funded management improvements and administrative support, such as hiring staff or contracting for assistance. A Modernization Troubled PHA is eligible for Emergency Modernization only, unless it is making reasonable progress toward meeting the performance targets established in its memorandum of agreement or equivalent under §901.140 of this chapter or has obtained alternative oversight of its modernization functions. Where a PHA does not have a funded modernization program in progress, the Field Office shall determine whether the PHA has a reasonable prospect of acquiring modernization capability through hiring staff or contracting for assistance.

    Other Modernization (modernization other than emergency). A type of modernization program for a development that includes one or more physical work items, where HUD determines that the physical improvements are necessary and sufficient to extend substantially the useful life of the development, and/or one or more development specific or PHA-wide management work items (including planning costs), and/or lead-based paint activities.

    Work item. Any separately identifiable unit of work constituting a part of a modernization program.

    [61 FR 8741, Mar. 5, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 50229, Sept. 15, 1999]