Subpart M - Special Housing Types

§ 982.601 - Overview.
Manufactured Home
§ 982.620 - Manufactured home: Applicability of requirements.
§ 982.621 - Manufactured home space rental: Housing quality standards.
Manufactured Home Space Rental
§ 982.622 - Manufactured home space rental: Rent to owner.
§ 982.623 - Manufactured home space rental: Housing assistance payment.
§ 982.624 - Manufactured home space rental: Utility allowance schedule.
§ 982.619 - Cooperative housing.
Group Home
§ 982.610 - Group home: Who may reside in a group home.
§ 982.611 - Group home: Lease and HAP contract.
§ 982.612 - Group home: State approval of group home.
§ 982.613 - Group home: Rent and voucher housing assistance payment.
§ 982.614 - Group home: Housing quality standards.
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)
§ 982.602 - SRO: Who may reside in an SRO?
§ 982.603 - SRO: Lease and HAP contract.
§ 982.604 - SRO: Voucher housing assistance payment.
§ 982.605 - SRO: Housing quality standards.
Shared Housing
§ 982.615 - Shared housing: Occupancy.
§ 982.616 - Shared housing: Lease and HAP contract.
§ 982.617 - Shared housing: Rent and voucher housing assistance payment.
§ 982.618 - Shared housing: Housing quality standards.
Homeownership Option
§ 982.625 - Homeownership option: General.
§ 982.626 - Homeownership option: Initial requirements.
§ 982.627 - Homeownership option: Eligibility requirements for families.
§ 982.628 - Homeownership option: Eligible units.
§ 982.629 - Homeownership option: Additional PHA requirements for family search and purchase.
§ 982.630 - Homeownership option: Homeownership counseling.
§ 982.631 - Homeownership option: Home inspections, contract of sale, and PHA disapproval of seller.
§ 982.632 - Homeownership option: Financing purchase of home; affordability of purchase.
§ 982.633 - Homeownership option: Continued assistance requirements; Family obligations.
§ 982.634 - Homeownership option: Maximum term of homeownership assistance.
§ 982.635 - Homeownership option: Amount and distribution of monthly homeownership assistance payment.
§ 982.636 - Homeownership option: Portability.
§ 982.637 - Homeownership option: Move with continued tenant-based assistance.
§ 982.638 - Homeownership option: Denial or termination of assistance for family.
§ 982.639 - Homeownership option: Administrative fees.
§ 982.641 - Homeownership option: Applicability of other requirements.
§ 982.642 - Homeownership option: Pilot program for homeownership assistance for disabled families.
§ 982.643 - Homeownership option: Downpayment assistance grants.
Congregate Housing
§ 982.606 - Congregate housing: Who may reside in congregate housing.
§ 982.607 - Congregate housing: Lease and HAP contract.
§ 982.608 - Congregate housing: Voucher housing assistance payment.
§ 982.609 - Congregate housing: Housing quality standards.