Part 152 - Issuance of Patents in Fee, Certificates of Competency, Removal of Restrictions, and Sale of Certain Indian Lands  

§ 152.1 - Definitions.
§ 152.2 - Withholding action on application.
Partitions in Kind of Inherited Allotments
§ 152.33 - Partition.
Issuing Patents in Fee, Certificates of Competency or Orders Removing Restrictions
§ 152.3 - Information regarding status of applications for removal of Federal supervision over Indian lands.
§ 152.4 - Application for patent in fee.
§ 152.5 - Issuance of patent in fee.
§ 152.6 - Issuance of patents in fee to non-Indians and Indians with whom a special relationship does not exist.
§ 152.7 - Application for certificate of competency.
§ 152.8 - Issuance of certificate of competency.
§ 152.9 - Certificates of competency to certain Osage adults.
§ 152.10 - Application for orders removing restrictions, except Five Civilized Tribes.
§ 152.11 - Issuance of orders removing restrictions, except Five Civilized Tribes.
§ 152.12 - Removal of restrictions, Five Civilized Tribes, after application under authority other than section 2(a) of the Act of August 11, 1955.
§ 152.13 - Removal of restrictions, Five Civilized Tribes, after application under section 2(a) of the Act of August 11, 1955.
§ 152.14 - Removal of restrictions, Five Civilized Tribes, without application.
§ 152.15 - Judicial review of removal of restrictions, Five Civilized Tribes, without application.
§ 152.16 - Effect of order removing restrictions, Five Civilized Tribes.
Sales, Exchanges and Conveyances of Trust or Restricted Lands
§ 152.17 - Sales, exchanges, and conveyances by, or with the consent of the individual Indian owner.
§ 152.18 - Sale with the consent of natural guardian or person designated by the Secretary.
§ 152.19 - Sale by fiduciaries.
§ 152.20 - Sale by Secretary of certain land in multiple ownership.
§ 152.21 - Sale or exchange of tribal land.
§ 152.22 - Secretarial approval necessary to convey individual-owned trust or restricted lands or land owned by a tribe.
§ 152.23 - Applications for sale, exchange or gift.
§ 152.24 - Appraisal.
§ 152.25 - Negotiated sales, gifts and exchanges of trust or restricted lands.
§ 152.26 - Advertisement.
§ 152.27 - Procedure of sale.
§ 152.28 - Action at close of bidding.
§ 152.29 - Rejection of bids; disapproval of sale.
§ 152.30 - Bidding by employees.
§ 152.31 - Cost of conveyance; payment.
§ 152.32 - Irrigation fee; payment.
Mortgages and Deeds of Trust to Secure Loans to Indians
§ 152.34 - Approval of mortgages and deeds of trust.
§ 152.35 - Deferred payment sales.