§ 171.1 - Administration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Agency Superintendent, Proj-ect Engineer or such official as authorized by the Area Director is the Officer-in-Charge of those Indian Irrigation Projects or units operated or subject to administration by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, whether or not each project or unit is specifically mentioned in this part. The Officer-in-Charge is fully authorized to administer, carry out, and enforce these regulations either directly or through employees designated by him. Such enforcement includes the refusal to deliver water.

    (b) The Officer-in-Charge is authorized to apply to irrigation subsistence units or garden tracts only those regulations in this part which in his judgment would be applicable in view of the size of the units and the circumstances under which they are operated.

    (c) The Officer-in-Charge is responsible for performing such work and taking any action which in his judgment is necessary for the proper operation, maintenance and administration of the irrigation project or unit. In making such judgments, the Officer-in-Charge consults with water users and their representatives, and with tribal council representatives, and seeks advice on matters of program priorities and operational policies. The Officer-in-Charge will be guided by the basic requirement that the operation will be so administered as to provide the maximum possible benefits from the project's or unit's constructed facilities. The operations will insure safe, economical, beneficial, and equitable use of the water supply and optimum water conservation.

    (d) The Secretary of the Interior reserves the right to exercise at any time all rights, powers, and privileges given him by law, and contracts with irrigation districts within Indian Irrigation Projects. Close cooperation between the Indian tribal councils, the project water users and the Officer-in-Charge is necessary and will be to the advantage of the entire project.

    (e) The Area Director, or his delegated representative, is authorized to fix as well as to announce, by notice published in the Federal Register, the annual operation and maintenance assessment rates for the irrigation projects or units within his area of responsibility. In addition to the rates, the notices will include such information as is pertinent to the assessment, payment, and collections of the charges including penalties and duty of water.

    (f) The rates will be based on a carefully prepared estimate of the cost of the normal operation and maintenance of the project. Normal operation and maintenance is defined for this purpose as the average per acre cost of all activities involved in delivering irrigation water and maintaining the facilities.

    (g) San Carlos Irrigation Project, Arizona. The administration, rights obligations and responsibilities for the operation and maintenance of this proj-ect are set forth in the Repayment Contract dated June 8, 1931 as supplemented or amended, between the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District and the United States as authorized by the Act of June 7, 1924 (43 Stat. 475-476) and the Secretarial Order of June 15, 1938, title “Order Defining Joint, District and Indian Works of the San Carlos Federal Irrigation Project: Turning over Operation and Maintenance of District Works to the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District.” The regulations appearing in this subchapter apply only to the Indian lands works and in the San Carlos Irrigation Proj-ect unless specified otherwise, and should not be interpreted or construed as amending or modifying the District Contract or the Secretarial Order.