Part 183 - Use and Distribution of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and San Carlos Apache Tribe Lease Fund

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 183.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 183.2 - What terms do I need to know?
§ 183.3 - Does the American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act of 1994 apply to this part?
Subpart B - Trust Fund Disposition
Clearance Requirements
§ 183.5 - What documents must the Tribe submit to request money from the Trust Fund?
§ 183.6 - How long will it take to get a decision?
§ 183.7 - What would cause the Secretary to disapprove a request?
§ 183.8 - How can the Tribe spend funds?
Use of Principal and Income
§ 183.4 - How can the Tribe use the principal and income from the Trust Fund?
Subpart C - Lease Fund Disposition
Clearance Requirements
§ 183.11 - What documents must the Tribe submit to request money from the Lease Fund?
§ 183.12 - How long will it take to receive a decision?
§ 183.13 - What would cause the Secretary to disapprove a request?
Use of Principal and Income
§ 183.9 - Can the Tribe request the principal of the Lease Fund?
§ 183.10 - How can the Tribe use income from the Lease Fund?
§ 183.14 - What limits are there on how the Tribe can spend funds?
Subpart D - Reports
§ 183.15 - Must the Tribe submit any reports?
§ 183.16 - What information must be included in the Tribe's annual report?
Subpart E - Liability
§ 183.17 - If expenditures under this part lead to a claim or cause of action, who is liable?
§ 183.18 - Information collection requirements