Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 25 - Indians |
Chapter I - Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior |
SubChapter I - Energy and Minerals |
Part 224 - Tribal Energy Resource Agreements Under the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act |
Subpart C - Approval of Tribal Energy Resource Agreements |
§ 224.70 - Will the Secretary review a proposed TERA under the National Environmental Policy Act? |
§ 224.71 - What standards will the Secretary use to decide to approve a final proposed TERA? |
§ 224.72 - How will the Secretary determine whether a tribe has demonstrated sufficient capacity? |
§ 224.73 - How will the scope of energy resource development affect the Secretary's determination of the tribe's capacity? |
§ 224.74 - When must the Secretary approve or disapprove a final proposed TERA? |
§ 224.75 - What must the Secretary do upon approval or disapproval of a final proposed TERA? |
§ 224.76 - Upon notification of disapproval, may a tribe re-submit a revised final proposed TERA? |
§ 224.77 - Who may appeal the Secretary's decision on a final proposed TERA or a revised final proposed TERA? |
§ 224.78 - How long will a TERA remain in effect? |
§ 224.79 - Will the Secretary make non-expended amounts available to the Tribe? |
§§ 224.72--224.73 - [Reserved] |