§ 226.63 - How is gas measured?  

Latest version.
  • (a) All gas required to be measured must be measured in accordance with the standards, procedures, and practices set forth in Bureau of Land Management Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 5, Measurement of Gas. To the extent that Onshore Oil and Gas Order 5 conflicts with any provision of these regulations, these regulations control.

    (b) All gas, required to be measured, must be measured by orifice meter unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Superintendent. All gas meters must be approved by the Superintendent and installed at the expense of the lessee or purchaser at such places as may be agreed to in writing by the Superintendent. For computing the volume of all gas produced, sold or subject to royalty, the standard of pressure is 14.65 pounds to the square inch, and the standard of temperature is 60 degrees F. All measurements of gas must be adjusted by computation to these standards, regardless of the pressure and temperature at which the gas was actually measured, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Superintendent.

    (c) The lessee must ensure that each meter is inspected, calibrated, and adjusted at least twice in each calendar year. Each inspection, calibration and adjustment must be separated by a period of not less than five months apart. The lessee must give the Superintendent at least 48 hours prior notice of all meter inspections, calibrations, and adjustments. The Superintendent has the right to witness, unannounced, all meter inspections, calibrations, and adjustments. The lessee must fully cooperate with such witnessing. If the Superintendent is not present, he may request records relating to all meter inspections, calibrations, and adjustments. Repeated failures to comply with this subparagraph will render the lease subject to termination after consultation with the Osage Minerals Council.