§ 30.103 - How will the Secretary implement Standards, Assessments, and Accountability System requirements?  

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  • § 30.103 Did the Committee consider a separate Bureau definition of AYP?

    Yes, the Committee considered having the Bureau of Indian Affairs develop a separate Bureau definition of AYP. For a variety of reasons, the Committee reached consensus on the definition in § 30.104. This definition is in no way intended to diminish the United States' trust responsibility for Indian education nor is it intended to give States authority over Bureau-funded schools.

    How will the Secretary implement Standards, Assessments, and Accountability System requirements?

    (a) The Secretary, through the Director, must describe requirements for standards, assessments, and an accountability system for use at BIE-funded schools in accordance with this part. The Director must periodically review and revise these requirements, as necessary, but review will occur not less often than every four (4) years beginning with the school year for which the requirements become effective.

    (b) The Director will develop an Agency Plan that will provide Indian Tribes, schools, parents, and other stakeholders with quality, transparent information about how the Act will be implemented at BIE-funded schools, including the requirements that have been established for standards, assessments, and an accountability system for BIE-funded schools.

    (c) The Secretary will engage in meaningful consultation with Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, schools, parents, and other stakeholders, when developing and revising requirements for standards, assessments, and an accountability system for BIE-funded schools.

    (d) The Secretary may voluntarily partner with States, or another Federal agency, in the development of challenging academic standards and assessments.